BigDL provides DLClassifier
for users with Apache Spark MLlib experience, which
provides high level API for training a BigDL Model with the Apache Spark Transfomer
pattern, thus users can conveniently fit BigDL into a ML pipeline and do prediction.
Currently only scala interface are implemented for DLClassifier
extends org.apache.spark.ml.Transformer
and supports model prediction from
Apache Spark DataFrame/Dataset.
To use DLClassifier
for prediction, user should specify
- the model structure constructed from BigDL layers. You can also use some predefined model like LetNet or ResNet.
- batch shape, defined as
Array(batchsize, featuresize)
. Internally the feature data are converted to BigDL tensors, to predict more efficiently.
Scala example:
package com.intel.analytics.bigdl.example.imageclassification
import java.nio.file.Paths
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dataset.image._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.example.imageclassification.MlUtils._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.numeric.NumericFloat
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.{Engine, LoggerFilter}
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.ml.param.ParamMap
import org.apache.spark.ml.DLClassifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
* An example to show how to use DLClassifier Transform
object ImagePredictor {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
predictParser.parse(args, new PredictParams()).map(param => {
val conf = Engine.createSparkConf()
conf.setAppName("Predict with trained model")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val partitionNum = Engine.nodeNumber() * Engine.coreNumber()
val model = loadModel(param)
val valTrans = new DLClassifier().setInputCol("features").setOutputCol("predict")
val paramsTrans = ParamMap(
valTrans.modelTrain -> model,
valTrans.batchShape ->
Array(param.batchSize, 3, imageSize, imageSize))
// load image set from local
val paths = LocalImageFiles.readPaths(Paths.get(param.folder), hasLabel = false)
val valRDD = sc.parallelize(imagesLoad(paths, 256), partitionNum)
val transf = RowToByteRecords() ->
BytesToBGRImg() ->
BGRImgCropper(imageSize, imageSize) ->
BGRImgNormalizer(testMean, testStd) ->
val valDF = transformDF(sqlContext.createDataFrame(valRDD), transf)
valTrans.transform(valDF, paramsTrans)