Implement Customized Serializer

It's recommended to use protobuffer based serialization method saveModule when you want to persist your trained models or models loaded from third party frameworks, details could be found from Module API. This article illustrates the implementations and how to implement customized serializer for your layers

BigDL serialziation hierarchy

Below is the class hierarchy for the serialization framework

                     Loadable       Savable
                         .              .
                         .              .
        .               .              .                       .               . 
        .               .              .                       .               .
 ModuleSerializer CellSerializer  ContainerSerializable   KerasSerializer  [UserDefinedSerializer]
                           .                        .
                           .                        .
                     ContainerSerializer  [UserDefinedContainerSerializer]

Users can extend ModuleSerializable or ContainerSerializable to implement optional serializers for your own layer or containers

Supported data types

Below are the data types supported in serialization

Implement customized data converter

if you have your own defined data types that are not supported in serialization or cannot be indirectly supported by above types, you can also define your own data converter by extending trait DataConverter, which has two abstract methods to implement

The setAttributeValue is to define how to set your own object value to attributeBuilder

 def setAttributeValue[T : ClassTag](context: SerializeContext[T],
                                      attributeBuilder : AttrValue.Builder, value: Any,
                                      valueType: universe.Type = null)
    (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : Unit

In opposite you should implement getAttributeValue to get value from attibute

 def getAttributeValue[T : ClassTag](context: DeserializeContext,
                                      attribute: AttrValue)(
    implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : AnyRef

Check to see more details

Then register your data converter in DataConverter

def registerConverter(tpe : String, converter : DataConverter) : Unit 

tpe is the scala.reflect.Type string representation

Implement customized serializer

As described above, BigDL provides a default serializer which works for most layers, thus we don't need to write serializer for these layers. But there are some layers which are not stateless (Note : stateless here means except for parameters like weight and bias, and fields from layer constructor, there are no other fields that their values could change and the layer will behavior differently with these values)

To implement a customized serializer is straightforward, you just need to define a new serializer by extending trait ModuleSerializable For most cases, you just need to override two methods

doSerializeModule defines how you serialize the stateful variables (besides weights and bias), if you layer has construct fields types of which are supported by BigDL, you don't even need to explicitly manage then, you could just call super.doSerializeModule(context, bigDLModelBuilder) instead for these values.

```scala protected def doSerializeModuleT: ClassTag (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : Unit

`doLoadModule` defines how you deserialize the statefule variables, same as serialization, if you layer has construct fields types of which are supported 
by BigDL, you don't even need to explicitly manage then, you could just call `super.doSerializeModule(context)` instead 

protected def doLoadModule[T: ClassTag](context: DeserializeContext)
    (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

The only thing you want to enable your serializer is to register it in ModuleSerializer

def registerModule(moduleType : String, serializer : ModuleSerializable) : Unit 

ModuleType is the full classpath of your layer and the serializer is the serializer object you just defined

Similarly, if you want to define a new serializer for your containers, you just need to define your own serializer by extending ContainerSerializable and override the same two methods above