
Use Optimizer for Training

You can use Optimizer in BigDL to train a model.

You need to first create an Optimizer, and then call Optimizer.optimize to start the training.

To create an optimizer, you need at least provide model, data, loss function and batch size.

A neural network model. May be a layer, a sequence of layers or a graph of layers.

Your training data. As we train models on Spark, one of the most common distributed data structures is RDD. Of course you can use DataFrame. Please check the BigDL pipeline example.

The element in the RDD is Sample, which is actually a sequence of Tensors. You need to convert your data record(image, audio, text) to Tensors before you feed them into Optimizer. We also provide many utilities to do it.

In supervised machine learning, loss function compares the output of the model with the ground truth(the labels of the training data). It outputs a loss value to measure how good the model is(the lower the better). It also provides a gradient to indicate how to tune the model.

In BigDL, all loss functions are subclass of Criterion. Refer to Losses for a list of defined losses.

Training is an iterative process. In each iteration, only a batch of data is used for training the model. You need to specify the batch size. Please note, the batch size should be divisible by the total cores number.

Here's an example of how to train a Linear classification model


import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.dataset._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.optim._
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.T
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext

val conf = Engine.createSparkConf()

val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

// Define the model
val model = Linear[Float](2, 1)

// Generate 2D dummy data, y = 0.1 * x[1] + 0.3 * x[2]
val samples = Seq(
  Sample[Float](Tensor[Float](T(5f, 5f)), Tensor[Float](T(2.0f))),
  Sample[Float](Tensor[Float](T(-5f, -5f)), Tensor[Float](T(-2.0f))),
  Sample[Float](Tensor[Float](T(-2f, 5f)), Tensor[Float](T(1.3f))),
  Sample[Float](Tensor[Float](T(-5f, 2f)), Tensor[Float](T(0.1f))),
  Sample[Float](Tensor[Float](T(5f, -2f)), Tensor[Float](T(-0.1f))),
  Sample[Float](Tensor[Float](T(2f, -5f)), Tensor[Float](T(-1.3f)))
val trainData = sc.parallelize(samples, 1)

// Define the model
val optimizer = Optimizer[Float](model, trainData, MSECriterion[Float](), 4)

The weight of linear is init randomly. But the output should be like

scala> println(model.weight)
0.09316949      0.2887804
[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 1x2]


from bigdl.nn.layer import Linear
from bigdl.util.common import *
from bigdl.nn.criterion import MSECriterion
from bigdl.optim.optimizer import Optimizer, MaxIteration
import numpy as np

model = Linear(2, 1)
samples = [
  Sample.from_ndarray(np.array([5, 5]), np.array([2.0])),
  Sample.from_ndarray(np.array([-5, -5]), np.array([-2.0])),
  Sample.from_ndarray(np.array([-2, 5]), np.array([1.3])),
  Sample.from_ndarray(np.array([-5, 2]), np.array([0.1])),
  Sample.from_ndarray(np.array([5, -2]), np.array([-0.1])),
  Sample.from_ndarray(np.array([2, -5]), np.array([-1.3]))
train_data = sc.parallelize(samples, 1)
optimizer = Optimizer(model, train_data, MSECriterion(), MaxIteration(100), 4)

The output should be like

array([[ 0.11578175,  0.28315681]], dtype=float32)

You can see the model is trained.

Define when to end the training

You need define when to end the training. It can be several iterations, or how many round data you want to process, a.k.a epoch.


// The default endWhen in scala is 100 iterations
optimizer.setEndWhen(Trigger.maxEpoch(10))  // Change to 10 epoch

You also can use multiple triggers to decide when to end the training:

// If all of the inner triggers are triggered (logical AND)

// If any of the inner triggers are triggered (logical OR)

// Inner and/or 
            Trigger.maxScore(0.99f), Trigger.maxEpoch(10) 


# Python need to define in the constructor
optimizer = Optimizer(model, train_data, MSECriterion(), MaxIteration(100), 4)

Change the optimization algorithm

Gradient based optimization algorithms are the most popular algorithms to train the neural network model. The most famous one is SGD. SGD has many variants, adagrad, adam, etc.


// The default is SGD
optimizer.setOptimMethod(new Adam())  // Change to adam


# Python need to define the optimization algorithm in the constructor
optimizer = Optimizer(model, train_data, MSECriterion(), MaxIteration(100), 4, optim_method = Adam())

Sometimes, people want to apply different optimization algorithms for the submodules of the neural network model. BigDL provide a method to set optimMethod for submoduels by submodules' name.


val optimMethods = Map("wide" -> new Ftrl[Float](), "deep" -> new Adagrad[Float]())


optimMethods = {"wide": Ftrl(), "deep": Adagrad()}

Validate your model in training

Sometimes, people want to evaluate the model with a separated dataset. When model performs well on train dataset, but bad on validation dataset, we call the model is overfit or weak generalization. People may want to evaluate the model every several iterations or epochs. BigDL can easily do this by


optimizer.setValidation(trigger, testData, validationMethod, batchSize)


optimizer.set_validation(batch_size, val_rdd, trigger, validationMethod)

For validation, you need to provide


You can configure the optimizer to periodically take snapshots of the model (trained weights, biases, etc.) and optim-method (configurations and states of the optimization) and dump them into files.

The model snapshot will be named as model.#iteration_number, and optim method snapshot will be named as state.#iteration_number.

Usage as below.


optimizer.setCheckpoint(path, trigger)


optimizer.set_checkpoint(path, trigger,isOverWrite=True)

Parameters you need to specify are:

In scala, you can also use overWriteCheckpoint() to enable overwriting any existing snapshot files with the same name (default is disabled). In Python, you can just set parameter isOverWrite (default is True).




optimizer.set_checkpoint(path, trigger,isOverWrite=True)

Resume Training

After training stops, you can resume from any saved point. Choose one of the model snapshots and the corresponding optim-method snapshot to resume (saved in checkpoint path, details see Checkpointing). Use Module.load (Scala) or Model.load(Python) to load the model snapshot into an model object, and OptimMethod.load (Scala and Python) to load optimization method into an OptimMethod object. Then create a new Optimizer with the loaded model and optim method. Call Optimizer.optimize, and you will resume from the point where the snapshot is taken. Refer to OptimMethod Load and Model Load for details.

You can also resume training without loading the optim method, if you intend to change the learning rate schedule or even the optimization algorithm. Just create an Optimizer with loaded model and a new instance of OptimMethod (both Scala and Python).

Monitor your training





See details in Visualization

Performance tuning

For performance investigation, BigDL records the time-consuming distribution on each node for each step(e.g. sync weight, computing).The information can be displayed in the driver log. By default, it is suspended.To turn it on, please follow these steps:

1.Prepare a log4j property file

# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

2.Add an option to your spark-submit command

--conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:where_is_your_log4j_file"