Get input in this MiniBatch.
Get target in this MiniBatch
Replace the original content of the miniBatch with a set of Sample.
Replace the original content of the miniBatch with a set of Sample.
a set of Sample
Get the number of samples in this MiniBatch
Get the number of samples in this MiniBatch
size How many samples in this MiniBatch
Slice this MiniBatch to a smaller MiniBatch with offset and length
Slice this MiniBatch to a smaller MiniBatch with offset and length
offset, counted from 1
A smaller MiniBatch
An deprecated function for single-input/single-target MiniBatch.
An deprecated function for single-input/single-target MiniBatch. You don't need to override this, because we have add a default implement to throw exception.
(Since version 0.2.0) Old interface, use getInput instead
An deprecated function for single-input/single-target MiniBatch.
An deprecated function for single-input/single-target MiniBatch. You don't need to override this, because we have add a default implement to throw exception.
(Since version 0.2.0) Old interface, use getTarget instead
A batch of images with flattened RoiLabels the getTarget() returns a Table with key from 1 to batchSize. Each key in the table is mapped to a Table for the annotation of an image in the batch. The annotation table holds the annotation info for one image (assume the image has N detections). The annotation table has
Key Value RoiImageInfo.CLASSES the categories for each detections (see RoiLabel.clasees field) (1 x N), or (2 x N) Tensor[Float] RoiImageInfo.BBOXES the bboxes, (N x 4) Tensor[Float] RoiImageInfo.MASKS (Optional) the mask data, Array[Tensor[Float]\]. The outer array has N elements. The inner tensor holds the data for segmentation RoiImageInfo.ISCROWD Whether each detection is crowd. (1 x N) Tensor[Float]. -1: unknown, 0: not crowd, 1: is crowd RoiImageInfo.IMGINFO with shape (batchSize, 4), contains all images info (height, width, original height, original width)