
package roi

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BatchSampler extends Serializable

    sample box from given parameters, and regard it as positive if it satisfies overlap constraints

  2. class RandomSampler extends Crop

    Random sample a bounding box given some constraints and crop the image This is used in SSD training augmentation

  3. case class RoiHFlip(normalized: Boolean = true) extends FeatureTransformer with Product with Serializable

    horizontally flip the roi

  4. case class RoiLabel(classes: Tensor[Float], bboxes: Tensor[Float], masks: Array[SegmentationMasks] = null) extends Product with Serializable

    image target with classes and bounding boxes

  5. case class RoiNormalize() extends FeatureTransformer with Product with Serializable

    Normalize Roi to [0, 1]

  6. case class RoiProject(needMeetCenterConstraint: Boolean = true) extends FeatureTransformer with Product with Serializable

    Project gt boxes onto the coordinate system defined by image boundary

  7. case class RoiResize(normalized: Boolean = false) extends FeatureTransformer with Product with Serializable

    resize the roi according to scale

Value Members

  1. object BatchSampler extends Serializable

  2. object RandomSampler extends Serializable

  3. object RoiLabel extends Serializable
