
package utils

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BlockManagerParameterSynchronizer[T] extends DistriParameterSynchronizer[T]

  2. class DirectedGraph[T] extends Serializable

    Provides useful graph operations for a directed graph.

  3. trait DistriParameterSynchronizer[T] extends AnyRef

  4. sealed trait EngineType extends AnyRef

    define engine type trait

  5. class LayerException extends RuntimeException

    Fine grained layer exception message

  6. case class MultiShape(value: List[Shape]) extends Shape with Product with Serializable

  7. class Node[T] extends Serializable

    Represent a node in a graph.

  8. sealed trait OptimizerVersion extends AnyRef

    define optimizer version trait

  9. class RandomGenerator extends AnyRef

    A mersenne twister based fake random number generator.

  10. trait Shape extends AnyRef

  11. case class SingleShape(value: List[Int]) extends Shape with Product with Serializable

  12. case class SyncMeta[T](name: String, counter: Int, priority: Int, globalSize: Int, partitionToCount: Int, stateOfWorld: ConcurrentHashMap[Int, CompressedTensor[T]], aggregatedStateOfWorld: ConcurrentHashMap[Int, Tensor[T]], weights: Tensor[T] = null, grads: Tensor[T] = null) extends Product with Serializable

  13. class Table extends Serializable with Activity

    Simulate the Table data structure in lua

  14. class ThreadPool extends AnyRef

    A thread pool wrapper, provide some helper functions for multi-threading

  15. sealed abstract class TorchObject extends AnyRef

    torch object type

Value Members

  1. object BlockManagerParameterSynchronizer

  2. object ConvertModel

  3. object Edge extends Serializable

  4. object Engine

  5. object File

  6. object FileReader

  7. object FileWriter

  8. object HashFunc

  9. object LoggerFilter

    logger filter, which will filter the log of Spark(org, breeze, akka) to file.

  10. object MklBlas extends EngineType with Product with Serializable

  11. object MklDnn extends EngineType with Product with Serializable

  12. object Node extends Serializable

  13. object OptimizerV1 extends OptimizerVersion with Product with Serializable

  14. object OptimizerV2 extends OptimizerVersion with Product with Serializable

  15. object RandomGenerator

  16. object Shape

  17. object SyncState extends Enumeration

  18. object T

  19. object ThreadPool

  20. object TorchFile

  21. object TorchObject

    define some torch object types

  22. object Util

  23. package caffe

  24. package intermediate

  25. package serializer

  26. package tf
