
BigDL uses Java properties to control its behavior. Here's the list of these properties.

How to set the properties


If you run BigDL on Apache Spark, you can set the properties by passing spark-submit options. Here's an example:

# Say you want to set property FOO to value BAR
spark-submit ...
    --conf 'spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-DFOO=BAR' # Set that property for executor process
    --conf 'spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-DFOO=BAR'   # Set that property for driver process

Local Java/Scala program

If you run BigDL as a local Java/Scala program, you can set the properties by passing JVM parameters. Here's an example:

# Say you want to set property FOO to value BAR
java -cp xxx.jar -DFOO=BAR

Available Properties




Distributed Training


bigdl.tensor.fold: To set how many elements in a tensor to determine it is a large tensor, and thus print only part of it. Default is 1000.

MKLDNN Prediction - bigdl.mkldnn.fusion: To do layers fusion for model prediction which can improve performance, just for mkldnn engine type. Default is true. - multiThread: To do java parallelism for some layers, just for mkldnn engine type. Default is false.