# Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from bigdl.nn.layer import SpatialAveragePooling, SpatialBatchNormalization
from bigdl.nn.layer import SpatialConvolution, SpatialMaxPooling, JoinTable
from bigdl.nn.layer import ReLU, SoftMax, CAddTable, Unsqueeze
from bigdl.nn.onnx.layer import Constant, Gather, Gemm, Shape, Reshape
from .converter_utils import *
[docs]def average_pool(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
auto_pad = attrs.get('auto_pad', 'NOTSET')
ceil_mode = True if attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0) == 1 else False
count_include_pad = True if attrs.get('count_include_pad', 0) == 1 else False
kernel_width, kernel_height = map(int, attrs.get('kernel_shape', (1, 1))[:2])
stride_width, stride_height = map(int, attrs.get('strides', (1, 1))[:2])
padding_width, padding_height = map(int, attrs.get('pads', (0, 0))[:2])
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
# calc output tensor shape
input_height, input_width = data_tensor_shape[-2:]
output_height = calc_output_shape(input_height, kernel_height,
padding = padding_height, stride = stride_height, ceil_mode = ceil_mode)
output_width = calc_output_shape(input_width, kernel_width,
padding = padding_width, stride = stride_width, ceil_mode = ceil_mode)
out_tensor_shape = list(data_tensor_shape)
out_tensor_shape[-2] = output_height
out_tensor_shape[-1] = output_width
out_tensor_shape = tuple(out_tensor_shape)
# create module node
module = SpatialAveragePooling(kw=kernel_width, kh=kernel_height,
dw=stride_width, dh=stride_height,
pad_w=padding_width, pad_h=padding_height,
ceil_mode=ceil_mode, count_include_pad=count_include_pad
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def batch_norm(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
epsilon = float(attrs.get('epsilon', 1e-05))
momentum = float(attrs.get('momentum', 0.9))
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
scale_tensor_val, _ = inputs[1]
bias_tensor_val, _ = inputs[2]
mean_tensor_val, _ = inputs[3]
var_tensor_val, _ = inputs[4]
# calc output tensor shape
out_tensor_shape = data_tensor_shape
# create module node
n_output = int(data_tensor_shape[1])
temp_module = SpatialBatchNormalization(n_output=n_output, eps=epsilon,
momentum=momentum, init_weight=scale_tensor_val, init_bias=bias_tensor_val)
if mean_tensor_val is not None:
if var_tensor_val is not None:
module = temp_module(prev_modules[0])
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def concat(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
axis = int(attrs.get('axis'))
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
# calc output tensor shape
dim_rank = 0
for i in range(len(inputs)):
_, curr_input_shape = inputs[i]
for j in range(len(data_tensor_shape)):
if axis != j:
if curr_input_shape[i] != data_tensor_shape[i]:
raise ValueError("Input shape mismatch. Expect receive input shape " +
data_tensor_shape[i] + " but got " + curr_input_shape[i])
dim_rank += curr_input_shape[axis]
out_tensor_shape = list(data_tensor_shape)
out_tensor_shape[axis] = dim_rank
out_tensor_shape = tuple(out_tensor_shape)
# create module node
module = JoinTable(dimension=axis+1, n_input_dims=len(data_tensor_shape))(prev_modules)
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def constant(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
value = parse_tensor_data(attrs.get('value'))
# calc output tensor shape
out_tensor_shape = value.shape
# create module node
module = Constant(value)(prev_modules[0])
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def conv(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
auto_pad = attrs.get('auto_pad', 'NOTSET')
padW, padH = map(int, attrs.get('pads', (0, 0))[:2])
kernelW, kernelH = map(int, attrs.get('kernel_shape', (0, 0))[:2])
strideW, strideH = map(int, attrs.get('strides', (1, 1))[:2])
dilationW, dilationH = map(int, attrs.get('dilations', (1, 1))[:2])
group = int(attrs.get('group', 1))
withBias = len(inputs) == 3 and inputs[2] is not None
# extract inputs
data_tensor_val, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
weight_tensor_val, weight_tensor_shape = inputs[1]
bias_tensor_val = None
if withBias:
bias_tensor_val, _ = inputs[2]
# calc output tensor shape
input_batch_size, n_input_plane = map(int, data_tensor_shape[:2])
n_output_plane = weight_tensor_shape[0]
input_height, input_width = data_tensor_shape[-2:]
output_height = calc_output_shape(input_height, kernelH, padding = padH, stride=strideH)
output_width = calc_output_shape(input_width, kernelW, padding = padW, stride=strideW)
out_tensor_shape = (input_batch_size, n_output_plane, output_height, output_width)
# create module node
module = SpatialConvolution(
n_input_plane=n_input_plane, n_output_plane=n_output_plane,
kernel_w=kernelW, kernel_h=kernelH, stride_w=strideW, stride_h=strideH,
pad_w=padW, pad_h=padH, n_group=group, init_weight=weight_tensor_val,
init_bias=bias_tensor_val, with_bias=withBias
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def gather(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
axis = int(attrs.get('axis', 0))
if axis != 0:
raise ValueError("Gather layer axis value")
# extract inputs
data_tensor_val, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
indices_val, indices = inputs[1]
# calc output tensor shape
out_tensor_shape = tuple(data_tensor_shape[:axis] + indices + data_tensor_shape[axis + 1:])
# create module node
module = Gather()(prev_modules)
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def gemm(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
alpha = float(attrs.get("alpha", 1.0))
beta = float(attrs.get("beta", 1.0))
trans_a = int(attrs.get("transA", 0))
trans_b = int(attrs.get("transB", 0))
# extract inputs
_, tensor_a_shape = inputs[0]
tensor_b_val, tensor_b_shape = inputs[1]
tensor_c_val, tensor_c_shape = inputs[2]
# create module node
module = Gemm(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, trans_a=trans_a, trans_b=trans_b,
matrix_b=tensor_b_val, matrix_c=tensor_c_val)(prev_modules)
return module, [tensor_c_shape]
[docs]def max_pool(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract attributes
auto_pad = attrs.get("auto_pad", 'NOTSET')
kernelW, kernelH = map(int, attrs.get("kernel_shape")[:2])
strideW, strideH = map(int, attrs.get("strides", (1, 1))[:2])
dilationW, dilationH = map(int, attrs.get('dilations', (1, 1))[:2])
padW, padH = map(int, attrs.get("pads", (0, 0))[:2])
ceil_mode = True if (attrs.get("ceil_mode", 0) != 0) else False
storage_order = int(attrs.get("storage_order", 0))
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
input_width, input_height = data_tensor_shape[-2:]
# calc output tensor shape
output_width = calc_output_shape(input_width, kernelW,
padding=padW, stride=strideW, dilation=dilationW, ceil_mode=ceil_mode)
output_height = calc_output_shape(input_height, kernelH,
padding=padH, stride=strideH, dilation=dilationH, ceil_mode=ceil_mode)
out_tensor_shape_list = list(data_tensor_shape)
out_tensor_shape_list[2] = output_height
out_tensor_shape_list[3] = output_width
out_tensor_shape = tuple(out_tensor_shape_list)
# create module node
module = SpatialMaxPooling(kw=kernelW, kh=kernelH, dw=strideW, dh=strideH,
pad_w=padW, pad_h=padH, to_ceil=ceil_mode)(prev_modules[0])
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
[docs]def relu(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
# calc output tensor shape
output_shape = data_tensor_shape
# create module node
module = ReLU()(prev_modules[0])
return module, [output_shape]
[docs]def reshape(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
shape_tensor_val, _ = inputs[1]
shape_arry = None
if shape_tensor_val is not None:
shape_arry = np.squeeze(shape_tensor_val).astype(int).tolist()
# create module node
module = Reshape(shape_arry)(prev_modules)
return module, [shape_tensor_val]
[docs]def shape(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
# extract inputs
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
# create module node
module = Shape()(prev_modules[0])
return module, [(len(data_tensor_shape),)]
[docs]def softmax(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
out_tensor_shape = data_tensor_shape
axis = int(attrs.get('axis', 1))
module = SoftMax()(prev_modules[0])
return module, [out_tensor_shape]
def _sum(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
_, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
out_tensor_shape = data_tensor_shape
module = CAddTable()(prev_modules)
return module, [data_tensor_shape]
[docs]def unsqueeze(inputs, prev_modules, attrs, outputs):
axes = list(map(int, attrs.get('axes')))
data_tensor_val, data_tensor_shape = inputs[0]
out_tensor_shape = list(data_tensor_shape)
for idx in axes:
out_tensor_shape.insert(idx, 1)
out_tensor_shape = tuple(out_tensor_shape)
module = Unsqueeze(axes[0], len(data_tensor_shape))(prev_modules)
return module, [out_tensor_shape]