Calculate forward time and backward time.
copy src's parameters and running status to dst
copy src's parameters and running status to dst
source model
destination model
get all modules and map by name
get whether the module is layerwise scaled
get whether the module is layerwise scaled
input module
whether the module is layerwise scaled
Apply a add operation on table x and table y one by one.
Apply a add operation on table x and table y one by one. y := y + alpha * x
Table x should have the same size with y.
copy table x's tensor to table y.
copy table x's tensor to table y.
Table x should have the same size with y.
Fill the value to each Tensor in the table recursively
Resize table target as table src.
Apply function 'func' on all tensor in the table.
Apply function 'func' on each tensor in table x and table y recursively.
Apply function 'func' on each tensor in table x and table y recursively.
Table x should have the same size with table y.
This method recursively keep the shape of the source table t2
set the elements of each tensor to zero, saving the result on the destination
table t1
Notice that t1
and t2
can only contain tables or tensors
This method recursively keep the shape of the source table t2
set the elements of each tensor to zero, saving the result on the destination
table t1
Notice that t1
and t2
can only contain tables or tensors
is the destination table
is the source table