Represent a BGR image.
Crop a cropWidth
x cropHeight
patch from an image.
Normalize a BGR image.
Each pixel value of the input BGR Image sub the given mean value of the corresponding chanel
Random crop a specified area from the Image.
Convert a batch of labeled BGR images into a Mini-batch.
Convert a BGR image to dense vector of spark mllib
Write a BGR image sequence into one or many hadoop sequence files.
transform labeled bgr image to sample
Convert a byte record to BGR image.
Convert byte records into grey image.
Process an image with brightness, contrast, saturation in a random order
Image crop method, e.
Represent a grey image
Crop an area from a grey image.
Normalize a grey image.
Convert a batch of labeled grey images into a Mini-batch.
transform labeled grey image to sample
Flip a image with a probability.
A BGR Image with label.
A grey image with a float label
Lighting noise for data augmentation
Represent a local file path of a image file with a float label
Read BGR images from local given paths.
Read BGR images from local given paths.
Read BGR images from local given paths.
Read BGR images from given paths.
Read byte records from local hadoop sequence files.
Multi-thread convert BGR images into Mini-Batch.
crop the center of image
crop the random position of image
Read BGR images from given paths, return LabeledBGRImage and the file name.
used for image object detection visualize detected bounding boxes and their scores to image