Assert will assert the first input to be true, if not, throw the message in the second input.
Update 'ref' by assigning 'value' to it.
Multiplies all slices of Tensor
and y
(each slice can be
viewed as an element of a batch), and arranges the individual results
in a single output tensor of the same batch size.
Given shapes of two tensors, computes the reduction indices for the gradient computation.
Casts a tensor to a new type.
Control flow related operations
Backward of SpatialConvolution
Compute the cross entropy loss and the gradients.
Computes the grayscale dilation of 4-D input
and 3-D filter
This is similar to SpatialBatchNormalization.
This is the gradient operation coressponding to the FusedBatchNorm.
Control flow related operations, and they just pass the input without modifying them
LRNGrad calculate the backprop gradients of the Local response normalization layer.
A wrapper of node for merge operation.
Wrap a nn module to an Operation
OneHot operation returns a one-hot tensor
Operation is an abstract class which represents the most basic operations An operations has only forward functions and without backward functions.
Computes the sum along segments of a tensor.
Selects elements from input, depending on given condition.
This operation extracts a slice of size size from a tensor input starting at the location specified by begin.
Returns (x - y)(x - y) element-wise.
A wrapper of node for switch operation.
This operation creates a new tensor by replicating input multiples times.
Factory method of control flow related nodes