
class PythonBigDL[T] extends Serializable

Implementation of Python API for BigDL

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. PythonBigDL
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new PythonBigDL()(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], ev: TensorNumeric[T])

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def activityToJTensors(outputActivity: Activity): List[JTensor]

  7. def addScheduler(seq: SequentialSchedule, scheduler: LearningRateSchedule, maxIteration: Int): SequentialSchedule

  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  9. def batching(dataset: DataSet[dataset.Sample[T]], batchSize: Int): DataSet[MiniBatch[T]]

  10. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  11. def createAbs(): Abs[T]

  12. def createAbsCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true): AbsCriterion[T]

  13. def createActivityRegularization(l1: Double, l2: Double): ActivityRegularization[T]

  14. def createAdadelta(decayRate: Double = 0.9, Epsilon: Double = 1e-10): Adadelta[T]

  15. def createAdagrad(learningRate: Double = 1e-3, learningRateDecay: Double = 0.0, weightDecay: Double = 0.0): Adagrad[T]

  16. def createAdam(learningRate: Double = 1e-3, learningRateDecay: Double = 0.0, beta1: Double = 0.9, beta2: Double = 0.999, Epsilon: Double = 1e-8): Adam[T]

  17. def createAdamax(learningRate: Double = 0.002, beta1: Double = 0.9, beta2: Double = 0.999, Epsilon: Double = 1e-38): Adamax[T]

  18. def createAdd(inputSize: Int): Add[T]

  19. def createAddConstant(constant_scalar: Double, inplace: Boolean = false): AddConstant[T]

  20. def createAspectScale(scale: Int, scaleMultipleOf: Int, maxSize: Int, resizeMode: Int = 1, useScaleFactor: Boolean = true, minScale: Double = 1): FeatureTransformer

  21. def createBCECriterion(weights: JTensor = null, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): BCECriterion[T]

  22. def createBatchNormalization(nOutput: Int, eps: Double = 1e-5, momentum: Double = 0.1, affine: Boolean = true, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null): BatchNormalization[T]

  23. def createBiRecurrent(merge: AbstractModule[Table, Tensor[T], T] = null): BiRecurrent[T]

  24. def createBifurcateSplitTable(dimension: Int): BifurcateSplitTable[T]

  25. def createBilinear(inputSize1: Int, inputSize2: Int, outputSize: Int, biasRes: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): Bilinear[T]

  26. def createBilinearFiller(): BilinearFiller.type

  27. def createBinaryThreshold(th: Double, ip: Boolean): BinaryThreshold[T]

  28. def createBinaryTreeLSTM(inputSize: Int, hiddenSize: Int, gateOutput: Boolean = true, withGraph: Boolean = true): BinaryTreeLSTM[T]

  29. def createBottle(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], nInputDim: Int = 2, nOutputDim1: Int = Int.MaxValue): Bottle[T]

  30. def createBrightness(deltaLow: Double, deltaHigh: Double): Brightness

  31. def createBytesToMat(byteKey: String): BytesToMat

  32. def createCAdd(size: List[Int], bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): CAdd[T]

  33. def createCAddTable(inplace: Boolean = false): CAddTable[T, T]

  34. def createCAveTable(inplace: Boolean = false): CAveTable[T]

  35. def createCDivTable(): CDivTable[T]

  36. def createCMaxTable(): CMaxTable[T]

  37. def createCMinTable(): CMinTable[T]

  38. def createCMul(size: List[Int], wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): CMul[T]

  39. def createCMulTable(): CMulTable[T]

  40. def createCSubTable(): CSubTable[T]

  41. def createCategoricalCrossEntropy(): CategoricalCrossEntropy[T]

  42. def createCenterCrop(cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int, isClip: Boolean): CenterCrop

  43. def createChannelNormalize(meanR: Double, meanG: Double, meanB: Double, stdR: Double = 1, stdG: Double = 1, stdB: Double = 1): FeatureTransformer

  44. def createChannelOrder(): ChannelOrder

  45. def createClamp(min: Int, max: Int): Clamp[T]

  46. def createClassNLLCriterion(weights: JTensor = null, sizeAverage: Boolean = true, logProbAsInput: Boolean = true): ClassNLLCriterion[T]

  47. def createClassSimplexCriterion(nClasses: Int): ClassSimplexCriterion[T]

  48. def createColorJitter(brightnessProb: Double = 0.5, brightnessDelta: Double = 32, contrastProb: Double = 0.5, contrastLower: Double = 0.5, contrastUpper: Double = 1.5, hueProb: Double = 0.5, hueDelta: Double = 18, saturationProb: Double = 0.5, saturationLower: Double = 0.5, saturationUpper: Double = 1.5, randomOrderProb: Double = 0, shuffle: Boolean = false): ColorJitter

  49. def createConcat(dimension: Int): Concat[T]

  50. def createConcatTable(): ConcatTable[T]

  51. def createConstInitMethod(value: Double): ConstInitMethod

  52. def createContiguous(): Contiguous[T]

  53. def createContrast(deltaLow: Double, deltaHigh: Double): Contrast

  54. def createConvLSTMPeephole(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, kernelI: Int, kernelC: Int, stride: Int = 1, padding: Int = 1, activation: TensorModule[T] = null, innerActivation: TensorModule[T] = null, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, cRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, withPeephole: Boolean = true): ConvLSTMPeephole[T]

  55. def createConvLSTMPeephole3D(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, kernelI: Int, kernelC: Int, stride: Int = 1, padding: Int = 1, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, cRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, withPeephole: Boolean = true): ConvLSTMPeephole3D[T]

  56. def createCosine(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int): Cosine[T]

  57. def createCosineDistance(): CosineDistance[T]

  58. def createCosineDistanceCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true): CosineDistanceCriterion[T]

  59. def createCosineEmbeddingCriterion(margin: Double = 0.0, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): CosineEmbeddingCriterion[T]

  60. def createCosineProximityCriterion(): CosineProximityCriterion[T]

  61. def createCropping2D(heightCrop: List[Int], widthCrop: List[Int], dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): Cropping2D[T]

  62. def createCropping3D(dim1Crop: List[Int], dim2Crop: List[Int], dim3Crop: List[Int], dataFormat: String = Cropping3D.CHANNEL_FIRST): Cropping3D[T]

  63. def createCrossEntropyCriterion(weights: JTensor = null, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): CrossEntropyCriterion[T]

  64. def createCrossProduct(numTensor: Int = 0, embeddingSize: Int = 0): CrossProduct[T]

  65. def createDLClassifier(model: Module[T], criterion: Criterion[T], featureSize: ArrayList[Int], labelSize: ArrayList[Int]): DLClassifier[T]

  66. def createDLClassifierModel(model: Module[T], featureSize: ArrayList[Int]): DLClassifierModel[T]

  67. def createDLEstimator(model: Module[T], criterion: Criterion[T], featureSize: ArrayList[Int], labelSize: ArrayList[Int]): DLEstimator[T]

  68. def createDLImageTransformer(transformer: FeatureTransformer): DLImageTransformer

  69. def createDLModel(model: Module[T], featureSize: ArrayList[Int]): DLModel[T]

  70. def createDatasetFromImageFrame(imageFrame: ImageFrame): DataSet[ImageFeature]

  71. def createDefault(): Default

  72. def createDenseToSparse(): DenseToSparse[T]

  73. def createDetectionCrop(roiKey: String, normalized: Boolean): DetectionCrop

  74. def createDetectionOutputFrcnn(nmsThresh: Float = 0.3f, nClasses: Int, bboxVote: Boolean, maxPerImage: Int = 100, thresh: Double = 0.05): DetectionOutputFrcnn

  75. def createDetectionOutputSSD(nClasses: Int, shareLocation: Boolean, bgLabel: Int, nmsThresh: Double, nmsTopk: Int, keepTopK: Int, confThresh: Double, varianceEncodedInTarget: Boolean, confPostProcess: Boolean): DetectionOutputSSD[T]

  76. def createDiceCoefficientCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true, epsilon: Float = 1.0f): DiceCoefficientCriterion[T]

  77. def createDistKLDivCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true): DistKLDivCriterion[T]

  78. def createDistriOptimizer(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], trainingRdd: JavaRDD[Sample], criterion: Criterion[T], optimMethod: OptimMethod[T], endTrigger: Trigger, batchSize: Int): Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]

  79. def createDistriOptimizerFromDataSet(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], trainDataSet: DataSet[ImageFeature], criterion: Criterion[T], optimMethod: OptimMethod[T], endTrigger: Trigger, batchSize: Int): Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]

  80. def createDistributedImageFrame(imageRdd: JavaRDD[JTensor], labelRdd: JavaRDD[JTensor]): DistributedImageFrame

  81. def createDotProduct(): DotProduct[T]

  82. def createDotProductCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = false): DotProductCriterion[T]

  83. def createDropout(initP: Double = 0.5, inplace: Boolean = false, scale: Boolean = true): Dropout[T]

  84. def createELU(alpha: Double = 1.0, inplace: Boolean = false): ELU[T]

  85. def createEcho(): Echo[T]

  86. def createEuclidean(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, fastBackward: Boolean = true): Euclidean[T]

  87. def createEveryEpoch(): Trigger

  88. def createExp(): Exp[T]

  89. def createExpand(meansR: Int = 123, meansG: Int = 117, meansB: Int = 104, minExpandRatio: Double = 1.0, maxExpandRatio: Double = 4.0): Expand

  90. def createExponential(decayStep: Int, decayRate: Double, stairCase: Boolean = false): Exponential

  91. def createFiller(startX: Double, startY: Double, endX: Double, endY: Double, value: Int = 255): Filler

  92. def createFixExpand(eh: Int, ew: Int): FixExpand

  93. def createFixedCrop(wStart: Double, hStart: Double, wEnd: Double, hEnd: Double, normalized: Boolean, isClip: Boolean): FixedCrop

  94. def createFlattenTable(): FlattenTable[T]

  95. def createGRU(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, p: Double = 0, activation: TensorModule[T] = null, innerActivation: TensorModule[T] = null, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): GRU[T]

  96. def createGaussianCriterion(): GaussianCriterion[T]

  97. def createGaussianDropout(rate: Double): GaussianDropout[T]

  98. def createGaussianNoise(stddev: Double): GaussianNoise[T]

  99. def createGaussianSampler(): GaussianSampler[T]

  100. def createGradientReversal(lambda: Double = 1): GradientReversal[T]

  101. def createHFlip(): HFlip

  102. def createHardShrink(lambda: Double = 0.5): HardShrink[T]

  103. def createHardSigmoid: HardSigmoid[T]

  104. def createHardTanh(minValue: Double = 1, maxValue: Double = 1, inplace: Boolean = false): HardTanh[T]

  105. def createHighway(size: Int, withBias: Boolean, activation: TensorModule[T] = null, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): Graph[T]

  106. def createHingeEmbeddingCriterion(margin: Double = 1, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): HingeEmbeddingCriterion[T]

  107. def createHue(deltaLow: Double, deltaHigh: Double): Hue

  108. def createIdentity(): Identity[T]

  109. def createImageFeature(data: JTensor = null, label: JTensor = null, uri: String = null): ImageFeature

  110. def createImageFrameToSample(inputKeys: List[String], targetKeys: List[String], sampleKey: String): ImageFrameToSample[T]

  111. def createIndex(dimension: Int): Index[T]

  112. def createInferReshape(size: List[Int], batchMode: Boolean = false): InferReshape[T]

  113. def createInput(): ModuleNode[T]

  114. def createJoinTable(dimension: Int, nInputDims: Int): JoinTable[T]

  115. def createKLDCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean): KLDCriterion[T]

  116. def createKullbackLeiblerDivergenceCriterion: KullbackLeiblerDivergenceCriterion[T]

  117. def createL1Cost(): L1Cost[T]

  118. def createL1HingeEmbeddingCriterion(margin: Double = 1): L1HingeEmbeddingCriterion[T]

  119. def createL1L2Regularizer(l1: Double, l2: Double): L1L2Regularizer[T]

  120. def createL1Penalty(l1weight: Int, sizeAverage: Boolean = false, provideOutput: Boolean = true): L1Penalty[T]

  121. def createL1Regularizer(l1: Double): L1Regularizer[T]

  122. def createL2Regularizer(l2: Double): L2Regularizer[T]

  123. def createLBFGS(maxIter: Int = 20, maxEval: Double = Double.MaxValue, tolFun: Double = 1e-5, tolX: Double = 1e-9, nCorrection: Int = 100, learningRate: Double = 1.0, verbose: Boolean = false, lineSearch: LineSearch[T] = null, lineSearchOptions: Map[Any, Any] = null): LBFGS[T]

  124. def createLSTM(inputSize: Int, hiddenSize: Int, p: Double = 0, activation: TensorModule[T] = null, innerActivation: TensorModule[T] = null, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): LSTM[T]

  125. def createLSTMPeephole(inputSize: Int, hiddenSize: Int, p: Double = 0, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): LSTMPeephole[T]

  126. def createLeakyReLU(negval: Double = 0.01, inplace: Boolean = false): LeakyReLU[T]

  127. def createLinear(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, withBias: Boolean, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null): Linear[T]

  128. def createLocalImageFrame(images: List[JTensor], labels: List[JTensor]): LocalImageFrame

  129. def createLocalOptimizer(features: List[JTensor], y: JTensor, model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], criterion: Criterion[T], optimMethod: OptimMethod[T], endTrigger: Trigger, batchSize: Int, localCores: Int): Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]

  130. def createLocallyConnected1D(nInputFrame: Int, inputFrameSize: Int, outputFrameSize: Int, kernelW: Int, strideW: Int = 1, propagateBack: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null): LocallyConnected1D[T]

  131. def createLocallyConnected2D(nInputPlane: Int, inputWidth: Int, inputHeight: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kernelW: Int, kernelH: Int, strideW: Int = 1, strideH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, propagateBack: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null, withBias: Boolean = true, dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): LocallyConnected2D[T]

  132. def createLog(): Log[T]

  133. def createLogSigmoid(): LogSigmoid[T]

  134. def createLogSoftMax(): LogSoftMax[T]

  135. def createLookupTable(nIndex: Int, nOutput: Int, paddingValue: Double = 0, maxNorm: Double = Double.MaxValue, normType: Double = 2.0, shouldScaleGradByFreq: Boolean = false, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): LookupTable[T]

  136. def createLookupTableSparse(nIndex: Int, nOutput: Int, combiner: String = "sum", maxNorm: Double = 1, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): LookupTableSparse[T]

  137. def createLoss(criterion: Criterion[T]): ValidationMethod[T]

  138. def createMAE(): ValidationMethod[T]

  139. def createMM(transA: Boolean = false, transB: Boolean = false): MM[T]

  140. def createMSECriterion: MSECriterion[T]

  141. def createMV(trans: Boolean = false): MV[T]

  142. def createMapTable(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T] = null): MapTable[T]

  143. def createMarginCriterion(margin: Double = 1.0, sizeAverage: Boolean = true, squared: Boolean = false): MarginCriterion[T]

  144. def createMarginRankingCriterion(margin: Double = 1.0, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): MarginRankingCriterion[T]

  145. def createMaskedSelect(): MaskedSelect[T]

  146. def createMasking(maskValue: Double): Masking[T]

  147. def createMatToFloats(validHeight: Int = 300, validWidth: Int = 300, validChannels: Int = 3, outKey: String = ImageFeature.floats, shareBuffer: Boolean = true): MatToFloats

  148. def createMatToTensor(toRGB: Boolean = false, tensorKey: String = ImageFeature.imageTensor): MatToTensor[T]

  149. def createMax(dim: Int = 1, numInputDims: Int = Int.MinValue): Max[T]

  150. def createMaxEpoch(max: Int): Trigger

  151. def createMaxIteration(max: Int): Trigger

  152. def createMaxScore(max: Float): Trigger

  153. def createMaxout(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, maxoutNumber: Int, withBias: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: Tensor[T] = null, initBias: Tensor[T] = null): Maxout[T]

  154. def createMean(dimension: Int = 1, nInputDims: Int = 1, squeeze: Boolean = true): Mean[T]

  155. def createMeanAbsolutePercentageCriterion: MeanAbsolutePercentageCriterion[T]

  156. def createMeanSquaredLogarithmicCriterion: MeanSquaredLogarithmicCriterion[T]

  157. def createMin(dim: Int = 1, numInputDims: Int = Int.MinValue): Min[T]

  158. def createMinLoss(min: Float): Trigger

  159. def createMixtureTable(dim: Int = Int.MaxValue): MixtureTable[T]

  160. def createModel(input: List[ModuleNode[T]], output: List[ModuleNode[T]]): Graph[T]

  161. def createMsraFiller(varianceNormAverage: Boolean = true): MsraFiller

  162. def createMul(): Mul[T]

  163. def createMulConstant(scalar: Double, inplace: Boolean = false): MulConstant[T]

  164. def createMultiCriterion(): MultiCriterion[T]

  165. def createMultiLabelMarginCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true): MultiLabelMarginCriterion[T]

  166. def createMultiLabelSoftMarginCriterion(weights: JTensor = null, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): MultiLabelSoftMarginCriterion[T]

  167. def createMultiMarginCriterion(p: Int = 1, weights: JTensor = null, margin: Double = 1.0, sizeAverage: Boolean = true): MultiMarginCriterion[T]

  168. def createMultiRNNCell(cells: List[Cell[T]]): MultiRNNCell[T]

  169. def createMultiStep(stepSizes: List[Int], gamma: Double): MultiStep

  170. def createNarrow(dimension: Int, offset: Int, length: Int = 1): Narrow[T]

  171. def createNarrowTable(offset: Int, length: Int = 1): NarrowTable[T]

  172. def createNegative(inplace: Boolean): Negative[T]

  173. def createNegativeEntropyPenalty(beta: Double): NegativeEntropyPenalty[T]

  174. def createNode(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], x: List[ModuleNode[T]]): ModuleNode[T]

  175. def createNormalize(p: Double, eps: Double = 1e-10): Normalize[T]

  176. def createNormalizeScale(p: Double, eps: Double = 1e-10, scale: Double, size: List[Int], wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): NormalizeScale[T]

  177. def createOnes(): Ones.type

  178. def createPGCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = false): PGCriterion[T]

  179. def createPReLU(nOutputPlane: Int = 0): PReLU[T]

  180. def createPack(dimension: Int): Pack[T]

  181. def createPadding(dim: Int, pad: Int, nInputDim: Int, value: Double = 0.0, nIndex: Int = 1): Padding[T]

  182. def createPairwiseDistance(norm: Int = 2): PairwiseDistance[T]

  183. def createParallelCriterion(repeatTarget: Boolean = false): ParallelCriterion[T]

  184. def createParallelTable(): ParallelTable[T]

  185. def createPipeline(list: List[FeatureTransformer]): FeatureTransformer

  186. def createPixelBytesToMat(byteKey: String): PixelBytesToMat

  187. def createPixelNormalize(means: List[Double]): PixelNormalizer

  188. def createPlateau(monitor: String, factor: Float = 0.1f, patience: Int = 10, mode: String = "min", epsilon: Float = 1e-4f, cooldown: Int = 0, minLr: Float = 0): Plateau

  189. def createPoissonCriterion: PoissonCriterion[T]

  190. def createPoly(power: Double, maxIteration: Int): Poly

  191. def createPower(power: Double, scale: Double = 1, shift: Double = 0): Power[T]

  192. def createPriorBox(minSizes: List[Double], maxSizes: List[Double] = null, aspectRatios: List[Double] = null, isFlip: Boolean = true, isClip: Boolean = false, variances: List[Double] = null, offset: Float = 0.5f, imgH: Int = 0, imgW: Int = 0, imgSize: Int = 0, stepH: Float = 0, stepW: Float = 0, step: Float = 0): PriorBox[T]

  193. def createProposal(preNmsTopN: Int, postNmsTopN: Int, ratios: List[Double], scales: List[Double], rpnPreNmsTopNTrain: Int = 12000, rpnPostNmsTopNTrain: Int = 2000): Proposal

  194. def createRMSprop(learningRate: Double = 1e-2, learningRateDecay: Double = 0.0, decayRate: Double = 0.99, Epsilon: Double = 1e-8): RMSprop[T]

  195. def createRReLU(lower: Double = 1.0 / 8, upper: Double = 1.0 / 3, inplace: Boolean = false): RReLU[T]

  196. def createRandomAspectScale(scales: List[Int], scaleMultipleOf: Int = 1, maxSize: Int = 1000): RandomAspectScale

  197. def createRandomCrop(cropWidth: Int, cropHeight: Int, isClip: Boolean): RandomCrop

  198. def createRandomNormal(mean: Double, stdv: Double): RandomNormal

  199. def createRandomSampler(): FeatureTransformer

  200. def createRandomTransformer(transformer: FeatureTransformer, prob: Double): RandomTransformer

  201. def createRandomUniform(): InitializationMethod

  202. def createRandomUniform(lower: Double, upper: Double): InitializationMethod

  203. def createReLU(ip: Boolean = false): ReLU[T]

  204. def createReLU6(inplace: Boolean = false): ReLU6[T]

  205. def createRecurrent(): Recurrent[T]

  206. def createRecurrentDecoder(outputLength: Int): RecurrentDecoder[T]

  207. def createReplicate(nFeatures: Int, dim: Int = 1, nDim: Int = Int.MaxValue): Replicate[T]

  208. def createReshape(size: List[Int], batchMode: Boolean = null): Reshape[T]

  209. def createResize(resizeH: Int, resizeW: Int, resizeMode: Int = Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR, useScaleFactor: Boolean): Resize

  210. def createResizeBilinear(outputHeight: Int, outputWidth: Int, alignCorner: Boolean, dataFormat: String): ResizeBilinear[T]

  211. def createReverse(dimension: Int = 1, isInplace: Boolean = false): Reverse[T]

  212. def createRnnCell(inputSize: Int, hiddenSize: Int, activation: TensorModule[T], isInputWithBias: Boolean = true, isHiddenWithBias: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): RnnCell[T]

  213. def createRoiHFlip(normalized: Boolean = true): RoiHFlip

  214. def createRoiNormalize(): RoiNormalize

  215. def createRoiPooling(pooled_w: Int, pooled_h: Int, spatial_scale: Double): RoiPooling[T]

  216. def createRoiProject(needMeetCenterConstraint: Boolean): RoiProject

  217. def createRoiResize(normalized: Boolean): RoiResize

  218. def createSGD(learningRate: Double = 1e-3, learningRateDecay: Double = 0.0, weightDecay: Double = 0.0, momentum: Double = 0.0, dampening: Double = Double.MaxValue, nesterov: Boolean = false, leaningRateSchedule: LearningRateSchedule = SGD.Default(), learningRates: JTensor = null, weightDecays: JTensor = null): SGD[T]

  219. def createSReLU(shape: ArrayList[Int], shareAxes: ArrayList[Int] = null): SReLU[T]

  220. def createSaturation(deltaLow: Double, deltaHigh: Double): Saturation

  221. def createScale(size: List[Int]): Scale[T]

  222. def createSelect(dimension: Int, index: Int): Select[T]

  223. def createSelectTable(dimension: Int): SelectTable[T]

  224. def createSequential(): Container[Activity, Activity, T]

  225. def createSequentialSchedule(iterationPerEpoch: Int): SequentialSchedule

  226. def createSeveralIteration(interval: Int): Trigger

  227. def createSigmoid(): Sigmoid[T]

  228. def createSmoothL1Criterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true): SmoothL1Criterion[T]

  229. def createSmoothL1CriterionWithWeights(sigma: Double, num: Int = 0): SmoothL1CriterionWithWeights[T]

  230. def createSoftMarginCriterion(sizeAverage: Boolean = true): SoftMarginCriterion[T]

  231. def createSoftMax(): SoftMax[T]

  232. def createSoftMin(): SoftMin[T]

  233. def createSoftPlus(beta: Double = 1.0): SoftPlus[T]

  234. def createSoftShrink(lambda: Double = 0.5): SoftShrink[T]

  235. def createSoftSign(): SoftSign[T]

  236. def createSoftmaxWithCriterion(ignoreLabel: Integer = null, normalizeMode: String = "VALID"): SoftmaxWithCriterion[T]

  237. def createSparseJoinTable(dimension: Int): SparseJoinTable[T]

  238. def createSparseLinear(inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int, withBias: Boolean, backwardStart: Int = 1, backwardLength: Int = 1, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null): SparseLinear[T]

  239. def createSpatialAveragePooling(kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, globalPooling: Boolean = false, ceilMode: Boolean = false, countIncludePad: Boolean = true, divide: Boolean = true, format: String = "NCHW"): SpatialAveragePooling[T]

  240. def createSpatialBatchNormalization(nOutput: Int, eps: Double = 1e-5, momentum: Double = 0.1, affine: Boolean = true, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null, dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): SpatialBatchNormalization[T]

  241. def createSpatialContrastiveNormalization(nInputPlane: Int = 1, kernel: JTensor = null, threshold: Double = 1e-4, thresval: Double = 1e-4): SpatialContrastiveNormalization[T]

  242. def createSpatialConvolution(nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kernelW: Int, kernelH: Int, strideW: Int = 1, strideH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, nGroup: Int = 1, propagateBack: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null, withBias: Boolean = true, dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): SpatialConvolution[T]

  243. def createSpatialConvolutionMap(connTable: JTensor, kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): SpatialConvolutionMap[T]

  244. def createSpatialCrossMapLRN(size: Int = 5, alpha: Double = 1.0, beta: Double = 0.75, k: Double = 1.0, dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): SpatialCrossMapLRN[T]

  245. def createSpatialDilatedConvolution(nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, dilationW: Int = 1, dilationH: Int = 1, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): SpatialDilatedConvolution[T]

  246. def createSpatialDivisiveNormalization(nInputPlane: Int = 1, kernel: JTensor = null, threshold: Double = 1e-4, thresval: Double = 1e-4): SpatialDivisiveNormalization[T]

  247. def createSpatialDropout1D(initP: Double = 0.5): SpatialDropout1D[T]

  248. def createSpatialDropout2D(initP: Double = 0.5, dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): SpatialDropout2D[T]

  249. def createSpatialDropout3D(initP: Double = 0.5, dataFormat: String = "NCHW"): SpatialDropout3D[T]

  250. def createSpatialFullConvolution(nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, adjW: Int = 0, adjH: Int = 0, nGroup: Int = 1, noBias: Boolean = false, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): SpatialFullConvolution[T]

  251. def createSpatialMaxPooling(kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, ceilMode: Boolean = false, format: String = "NCHW"): SpatialMaxPooling[T]

  252. def createSpatialSeparableConvolution(nInputChannel: Int, nOutputChannel: Int, depthMultiplier: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, sW: Int = 1, sH: Int = 1, pW: Int = 0, pH: Int = 0, withBias: Boolean = true, dataFormat: String = "NCHW", wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, pRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): SpatialSeparableConvolution[T]

  253. def createSpatialShareConvolution(nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kernelW: Int, kernelH: Int, strideW: Int = 1, strideH: Int = 1, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, nGroup: Int = 1, propagateBack: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null, withBias: Boolean = true): SpatialShareConvolution[T]

  254. def createSpatialSubtractiveNormalization(nInputPlane: Int = 1, kernel: JTensor = null): SpatialSubtractiveNormalization[T]

  255. def createSpatialWithinChannelLRN(size: Int = 5, alpha: Double = 1.0, beta: Double = 0.75): SpatialWithinChannelLRN[T]

  256. def createSpatialZeroPadding(padLeft: Int, padRight: Int, padTop: Int, padBottom: Int): SpatialZeroPadding[T]

  257. def createSplitTable(dimension: Int, nInputDims: Int = 1): SplitTable[T]

  258. def createSqrt(): Sqrt[T]

  259. def createSquare(): Square[T]

  260. def createSqueeze(dim: Int = Int.MinValue, numInputDims: Int = Int.MinValue): Squeeze[T]

  261. def createStep(stepSize: Int, gamma: Double): Step

  262. def createSum(dimension: Int = 1, nInputDims: Int = 1, sizeAverage: Boolean = false, squeeze: Boolean = true): Sum[T]

  263. def createTanh(): Tanh[T]

  264. def createTanhShrink(): TanhShrink[T]

  265. def createTemporalConvolution(inputFrameSize: Int, outputFrameSize: Int, kernelW: Int, strideW: Int = 1, propagateBack: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initWeight: JTensor = null, initBias: JTensor = null, initGradWeight: JTensor = null, initGradBias: JTensor = null): TemporalConvolution[T]

  266. def createTemporalMaxPooling(kW: Int, dW: Int): TemporalMaxPooling[T]

  267. def createThreshold(th: Double = 1e-6, v: Double = 0.0, ip: Boolean = false): Threshold[T]

  268. def createTile(dim: Int, copies: Int): Tile[T]

  269. def createTimeDistributed(layer: TensorModule[T]): TimeDistributed[T]

  270. def createTimeDistributedCriterion(critrn: TensorCriterion[T], sizeAverage: Boolean = false): TimeDistributedCriterion[T]

  271. def createTimeDistributedMaskCriterion(critrn: TensorCriterion[T], paddingValue: Int = 0): TimeDistributedMaskCriterion[T]

  272. def createTop1Accuracy(): ValidationMethod[T]

  273. def createTop5Accuracy(): ValidationMethod[T]

  274. def createTrainSummary(logDir: String, appName: String): TrainSummary

  275. def createTransformerCriterion(criterion: AbstractCriterion[Activity, Activity, T], inputTransformer: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T] = null, targetTransformer: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T] = null): TransformerCriterion[T]

  276. def createTranspose(permutations: List[List[Int]]): Transpose[T]

  277. def createTreeNNAccuracy(): ValidationMethod[T]

  278. def createUnsqueeze(pos: Int, numInputDims: Int = Int.MinValue): Unsqueeze[T]

  279. def createUpSampling1D(length: Int): UpSampling1D[T]

  280. def createUpSampling2D(size: List[Int], dataFormat: String): UpSampling2D[T]

  281. def createUpSampling3D(size: List[Int]): UpSampling3D[T]

  282. def createValidationSummary(logDir: String, appName: String): ValidationSummary

  283. def createView(sizes: List[Int], num_input_dims: Int = 0): View[T]

  284. def createVolumetricAveragePooling(kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int, padT: Int = 0, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, countIncludePad: Boolean = true, ceilMode: Boolean = false): VolumetricAveragePooling[T]

  285. def createVolumetricConvolution(nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int = 1, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1, padT: Int = 0, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, withBias: Boolean = true, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): VolumetricConvolution[T]

  286. def createVolumetricFullConvolution(nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int, kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int = 1, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1, padT: Int = 0, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, adjT: Int = 0, adjW: Int = 0, adjH: Int = 0, nGroup: Int = 1, noBias: Boolean = false, wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null): VolumetricFullConvolution[T]

  287. def createVolumetricMaxPooling(kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int, padT: Int = 0, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0): VolumetricMaxPooling[T]

  288. def createWarmup(delta: Double): Warmup

  289. def createXavier(): Xavier.type

  290. def createZeros(): Zeros.type

  291. def criterionBackward(criterion: AbstractCriterion[Activity, Activity, T], input: List[JTensor], inputIsTable: Boolean, target: List[JTensor], targetIsTable: Boolean): List[JTensor]

  292. def criterionForward(criterion: AbstractCriterion[Activity, Activity, T], input: List[JTensor], inputIsTable: Boolean, target: List[JTensor], targetIsTable: Boolean): T

  293. def disableClip(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]): Unit

  294. def distributedImageFrameToImageTensorRdd(imageFrame: DistributedImageFrame, floatKey: String = ImageFeature.floats, toChw: Boolean = true): JavaRDD[JTensor]

  295. def distributedImageFrameToLabelTensorRdd(imageFrame: DistributedImageFrame): JavaRDD[JTensor]

  296. def distributedImageFrameToPredict(imageFrame: DistributedImageFrame, key: String): JavaRDD[List[Any]]

  297. def dlClassifierModelTransform(dlClassifierModel: DLClassifierModel[T], dataSet: DataFrame): DataFrame

  298. def dlImageTransform(dlImageTransformer: DLImageTransformer, dataSet: DataFrame): DataFrame

  299. def dlModelTransform(dlModel: DLModel[T], dataSet: DataFrame): DataFrame

  300. def dlReadImage(path: String, sc: JavaSparkContext, minParitions: Int): DataFrame

  301. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  302. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  303. def evaluate(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  304. def featureTransformDataset(dataset: DataSet[ImageFeature], transformer: FeatureTransformer): DataSet[ImageFeature]

  305. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  306. def findGraphNode(model: Graph[T], name: String): ModuleNode[T]

  307. def fitClassifier(classifier: DLClassifier[T], dataSet: DataFrame): DLModel[T]

  308. def fitEstimator(estimator: DLEstimator[T], dataSet: DataFrame): DLModel[T]

  309. def freeze(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], freezeLayers: List[String]): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  310. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  311. def getContainerModules(module: Container[Activity, Activity, T]): List[AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]]

  312. def getFlattenModules(module: Container[Activity, Activity, T], includeContainer: Boolean): List[AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]]

  313. def getHiddenState(rec: Recurrent[T]): JActivity

  314. def getNodeAndCoreNumber(): Array[Int]

  315. def getRealClassNameOfJValue(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]): String

  316. def getRunningMean(module: BatchNormalization[T]): JTensor

  317. def getRunningStd(module: BatchNormalization[T]): JTensor

  318. def getWeights(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]): List[JTensor]

  319. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  320. def imageFeatureGetKeys(imageFeature: ImageFeature): List[String]

  321. def imageFeatureToImageTensor(imageFeature: ImageFeature, floatKey: String = ImageFeature.floats, toChw: Boolean = true): JTensor

  322. def imageFeatureToLabelTensor(imageFeature: ImageFeature): JTensor

  323. def initEngine(): Unit

  324. def isDistributed(imageFrame: ImageFrame): Boolean

  325. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  326. def isLocal(imageFrame: ImageFrame): Boolean

  327. def isWithWeights(module: Module[T]): Boolean

  328. def jTensorsToActivity(input: List[JTensor], isTable: Boolean): Activity

  329. def loadBigDL(path: String): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  330. def loadBigDLModule(modulePath: String, weightPath: String): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  331. def loadCaffe(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], defPath: String, modelPath: String, matchAll: Boolean = true): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  332. def loadCaffeModel(defPath: String, modelPath: String): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  333. def loadOptimMethod(path: String): OptimMethod[T]

  334. def loadTF(path: String, inputs: List[String], outputs: List[String], byteOrder: String, binFile: String = null): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  335. def loadTorch(path: String): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  336. def localImageFrameToImageTensor(imageFrame: LocalImageFrame, floatKey: String = ImageFeature.floats, toChw: Boolean = true): List[JTensor]

  337. def localImageFrameToLabelTensor(imageFrame: LocalImageFrame): List[JTensor]

  338. def localImageFrameToPredict(imageFrame: LocalImageFrame, key: String): List[List[Any]]

  339. def modelBackward(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], input: List[JTensor], inputIsTable: Boolean, gradOutput: List[JTensor], gradOutputIsTable: Boolean): List[JTensor]

  340. def modelEvaluate(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], valRDD: JavaRDD[Sample], batchSize: Int, valMethods: List[ValidationMethod[T]]): List[EvaluatedResult]

  341. def modelForward(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], input: List[JTensor], inputIsTable: Boolean): List[JTensor]

  342. def modelGetParameters(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]): Map[Any, Map[Any, List[List[Any]]]]

  343. def modelPredictClass(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], dataRdd: JavaRDD[Sample]): JavaRDD[Int]

  344. def modelPredictImage(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], imageFrame: ImageFrame, featLayerName: String, shareBuffer: Boolean, batchPerPartition: Int, predictKey: String): ImageFrame

  345. def modelPredictRDD(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], dataRdd: JavaRDD[Sample]): JavaRDD[JTensor]

  346. def modelSave(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], path: String, overWrite: Boolean): Unit

  347. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  348. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  349. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  350. def predictLocal(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], features: List[JTensor]): List[JTensor]

  351. def predictLocalClass(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], features: List[JTensor]): List[Int]

  352. def quantize(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]): Module[T]

  353. def read(path: String, sc: JavaSparkContext, minPartitions: Int): ImageFrame

  354. def readParquet(path: String, sqlContext: SQLContext): DistributedImageFrame

  355. def redirectSparkLogs(logPath: String): Unit

  356. def saveBigDLModule(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], modulePath: String, weightPath: String, overWrite: Boolean): Unit

  357. def saveCaffe(module: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], prototxtPath: String, modelPath: String, useV2: Boolean = true, overwrite: Boolean = false): Unit

  358. def saveGraphTopology(model: Graph[T], logPath: String): Graph[T]

  359. def saveOptimMethod(method: OptimMethod[T], path: String, overWrite: Boolean = false): Unit

  360. def saveTF(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], inputs: List[Any], path: String, byteOrder: String, dataFormat: String): Unit

  361. def saveTensorDictionary(tensors: HashMap[String, JTensor], path: String): Unit

    Save tensor dictionary to a Java hashmap object file

  362. def seqFilesToImageFrame(url: String, sc: JavaSparkContext, classNum: Int, partitionNum: Int): ImageFrame

  363. def setBatchSizeDLClassifier(classifier: DLClassifier[T], batchSize: Int): DLClassifier[T]

  364. def setBatchSizeDLClassifierModel(dlClassifierModel: DLClassifierModel[T], batchSize: Int): DLClassifierModel[T]

  365. def setBatchSizeDLEstimator(estimator: DLEstimator[T], batchSize: Int): DLEstimator[T]

  366. def setBatchSizeDLModel(dlModel: DLModel[T], batchSize: Int): DLModel[T]

  367. def setCheckPoint(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], trigger: Trigger, checkPointPath: String, isOverwrite: Boolean): Unit

  368. def setConstantClip(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], min: Float, max: Float): Unit

  369. def setCriterion(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], criterion: Criterion[T]): Unit

  370. def setFeatureSizeDLClassifierModel(dlClassifierModel: DLClassifierModel[T], featureSize: ArrayList[Int]): DLClassifierModel[T]

  371. def setFeatureSizeDLModel(dlModel: DLModel[T], featureSize: ArrayList[Int]): DLModel[T]

  372. def setInitMethod(layer: Initializable, initMethods: ArrayList[InitializationMethod]): layer.type

  373. def setInitMethod(layer: Initializable, weightInitMethod: InitializationMethod, biasInitMethod: InitializationMethod): layer.type

  374. def setL2NormClip(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], normValue: Float): Unit

  375. def setLearningRateDLClassifier(classifier: DLClassifier[T], lr: Double): DLClassifier[T]

  376. def setLearningRateDLEstimator(estimator: DLEstimator[T], lr: Double): DLEstimator[T]

  377. def setMaxEpochDLClassifier(classifier: DLClassifier[T], maxEpoch: Int): DLClassifier[T]

  378. def setMaxEpochDLEstimator(estimator: DLEstimator[T], maxEpoch: Int): DLEstimator[T]

  379. def setModelSeed(seed: Long): Unit

  380. def setRunningMean(module: BatchNormalization[T], runningMean: JTensor): Unit

  381. def setRunningStd(module: BatchNormalization[T], runningStd: JTensor): Unit

  382. def setStopGradient(model: Graph[T], layers: List[String]): Graph[T]

  383. def setTrainData(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], trainingRdd: JavaRDD[Sample], batchSize: Int): Unit

  384. def setTrainSummary(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], summary: TrainSummary): Unit

  385. def setValSummary(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], summary: ValidationSummary): Unit

  386. def setValidation(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], batchSize: Int, trigger: Trigger, xVal: List[JTensor], yVal: JTensor, vMethods: List[ValidationMethod[T]]): Unit

  387. def setValidation(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], batchSize: Int, trigger: Trigger, valRdd: JavaRDD[Sample], vMethods: List[ValidationMethod[T]]): Unit

  388. def setValidationFromDataSet(optimizer: Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]], batchSize: Int, trigger: Trigger, valDataSet: DataSet[ImageFeature], vMethods: List[ValidationMethod[T]]): Unit

  389. def setWeights(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], weights: List[JTensor]): Unit

  390. def showBigDlInfoLogs(): Unit

  391. def summaryReadScalar(summary: Summary, tag: String): List[List[Any]]

  392. def summarySetTrigger(summary: TrainSummary, summaryName: String, trigger: Trigger): TrainSummary

  393. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  394. def testSample(sample: Sample): Sample

  395. def testTensor(jTensor: JTensor): JTensor

  396. def toJSample(psamples: RDD[Sample]): RDD[dataset.Sample[T]]

  397. def toJSample(record: Sample): dataset.Sample[T]

  398. def toJTensor(tensor: Tensor[T]): JTensor

  399. def toPySample(sample: dataset.Sample[T]): Sample

  400. def toSampleArray(Xs: List[Tensor[T]], y: Tensor[T] = null): Array[dataset.Sample[T]]

  401. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  402. def toTensor(jTensor: JTensor): Tensor[T]

  403. def trainTF(modelPath: String, output: String, samples: JavaRDD[Sample], optMethod: OptimMethod[T], criterion: Criterion[T], batchSize: Int, endWhen: Trigger): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  404. def transformImageFeature(transformer: FeatureTransformer, feature: ImageFeature): ImageFeature

  405. def transformImageFrame(transformer: FeatureTransformer, imageFrame: ImageFrame): ImageFrame

  406. def unFreeze(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], names: List[String]): AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]

  407. def uniform(a: Double, b: Double, size: List[Int]): JTensor

  408. def updateParameters(model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T], lr: Double): Unit

  409. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  410. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  411. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
