
package augmentation

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AspectScale extends FeatureTransformer

    Resize the image, keep the aspect ratio.

  2. class Brightness extends FeatureTransformer

    adjust the image brightness

  3. class CenterCrop extends Crop

    Crop a cropWidth x cropHeight patch from center of image.

  4. class ChannelNormalize extends FeatureTransformer

    image channel normalize

  5. class ChannelOrder extends FeatureTransformer

    random change the channel of an image

  6. class ColorJitter extends FeatureTransformer

    Random adjust brightness, contrast, hue, saturation

  7. class Contrast extends FeatureTransformer

    Adjust the image contrast

  8. abstract class Crop extends FeatureTransformer

    Abstract crop transformer, other crop transformer need to override generateRoi

  9. class DetectionCrop extends Crop

    Crop from object detections, each image should has a tensor detection, which is stored in ImageFeature

  10. class Expand extends FeatureTransformer

    expand image, fill the blank part with the meanR, meanG, meanB

  11. class Filler extends FeatureTransformer

    Fill part of image with certain pixel value

  12. class FixExpand extends FeatureTransformer

    expand image with given expandHeight and expandWidth, put the original image to the center of expanded image

  13. class FixedCrop extends Crop

    Crop a fixed area of image

  14. class HFlip extends FeatureTransformer

    Flip the image horizontally

  15. class Hue extends FeatureTransformer

    Adjust image hue

  16. class PixelNormalizer extends FeatureTransformer

    Pixel level normalizer, data(i) = data(i) - mean(i)

  17. class RandomAspectScale extends FeatureTransformer

    resize the image by randomly choosing a scale

  18. class RandomCrop extends Crop

    Random crop a cropWidth x cropHeight patch from an image.

  19. class RandomTransformer extends FeatureTransformer

    It is a wrapper for transformers to control the transform probability

  20. class Resize extends FeatureTransformer

    Resize image

  21. class Saturation extends FeatureTransformer

    Adjust image saturation

Value Members

  1. object AspectScale extends Serializable

  2. object Brightness extends Serializable

  3. object CenterCrop extends Serializable

  4. object ChannelNormalize extends Serializable

  5. object ChannelOrder extends Serializable

  6. object ColorJitter extends Serializable

  7. object Contrast extends Serializable

  8. object Crop extends Serializable

  9. object DetectionCrop extends Serializable

  10. object Expand extends Serializable

  11. object Filler extends Serializable

  12. object FixExpand extends Serializable

  13. object FixedCrop extends Serializable

  14. object HFlip extends Serializable

  15. object Hue extends Serializable

  16. object PixelNormalizer extends Serializable

  17. object RandomAspectScale extends Serializable

  18. object RandomCrop extends Serializable

  19. object RandomTransformer extends Serializable

  20. object Resize extends Serializable

  21. object Saturation extends Serializable
