Dropout Layers


Applies Dropout to the input by randomly setting a fraction 'p' of input units to 0 at each update during training time in order to prevent overfitting.


Dropout(p, inputShape = null)


Dropout(p, input_shape=None, name=None)


Scala example:

import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.keras.{Sequential, Dropout}
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.Shape
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor

val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(Dropout(0.3, inputShape = Shape(3, 4)))
val input = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4).randn()
val output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

input: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor[Float] =
(1,.,.) =
-1.1256621     2.5402398    -1.1346831   0.50337905
-1.3835752     0.9513693    -0.24547328  -0.28897092
-0.0302343     -0.4106753   0.46467322   -0.7328933

(2,.,.) =
1.2569109      0.16947697   -0.5000246   2.0856402
-0.04246076    1.5827807    -1.0235463   1.7278075
-0.0035352164  -1.2579697   0.206815     -0.053890422

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Output is:

output: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity =
(1,.,.) =
0.0           0.0        -1.620976  0.0
-1.976536     1.359099   0.0        -0.4128156
-0.043191858  -0.586679  0.6638189  -1.0469904

(2,.,.) =
0.0            0.0         -0.7143209  2.979486
-0.060658228   2.2611153   0.0         0.0
-0.0050503095  -1.7970997  0.0         0.0

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Python example:

import numpy as np
from bigdl.nn.keras.topology import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.keras.layer import Dropout

model = Sequential()
model.add(Dropout(0.3, input_shape=(3, 4)))
input = np.random.random([2, 3, 4])
output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

[[[0.61976372 0.36074095 0.59003926 0.75373888]
  [0.2390103  0.93491731 0.89078166 0.93083315]
  [0.62360382 0.73646417 0.32886041 0.25372008]]

 [[0.10235195 0.7782206  0.54940485 0.41757437]
  [0.94804637 0.04642807 0.17194449 0.2675274 ]
  [0.89322413 0.3301816  0.49910094 0.00819342]]]

Output is

[[[0.88537675 0.51534426 0.0        0.0       ]
  [0.0        1.3355962  1.2725452  1.3297616 ]
  [0.89086264 1.0520917  0.4698006  0.0       ]]

 [[0.14621708 1.1117437  0.7848641  0.59653485]
  [1.354352   0.06632582 0.24563499 0.382182  ]
  [1.2760345  0.471688   0.7130013  0.01170488]]]


Apply multiplicative 1-centered Gaussian noise.

As it is a regularization layer, it is only active at training time.


GaussianDropout(p, inputShape = null)


GaussianDropout(p, input_shape=None, name=None)


Scala example:

import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.keras.{Sequential, GaussianDropout}
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.Shape
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor

val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(GaussianDropout(0.45, inputShape = Shape(3, 4)))
val input = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4).randn()
val output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

input: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor[Float] =
(1,.,.) =
-0.14522108 0.27993536  -0.38809696 0.26372102
-0.5572615  0.091684595 0.27881327  -1.6235427
-0.32884964 -0.46456075 1.6169231   0.31943536

(2,.,.) =
-1.813811   1.1577623   -0.8995344  -1.0607182
-0.3952898  -2.3437335  -0.6608733  1.1752778
-1.3373735  -1.7404749  0.82832927  0.3053458

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Output is:

output: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity =
(1,.,.) =
-0.27553135  0.15290284   -0.23144199  0.619676
-0.6648747   0.053253293  -0.08241931  -0.47651786
-0.46381548  -1.0048811   1.5911313    0.39929882

(2,.,.) =
-0.43828326  0.4397059    -0.7071283   -1.440457
-0.27415445  -1.6525689   -0.14050363  0.8728552
-2.0516112   -2.1537325   1.4714862    0.29218474

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Python example:

import numpy as np
from bigdl.nn.keras.topology import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.keras.layer import GaussianDropout

model = Sequential()
model.add(GaussianDropout(0.45, input_shape=(3, 4)))
input = np.random.random([2, 3, 4])
output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

[[[0.87208899 0.1353189  0.325058   0.63174633]
  [0.20479221 0.29774652 0.42038452 0.23819006]
  [0.07608872 0.91696766 0.245824   0.84324374]]

 [[0.26268714 0.76275494 0.63620997 0.15049668]
  [0.54144135 0.70412821 0.05555471 0.72317157]
  [0.32796076 0.26804862 0.80775221 0.46948471]]]

Output is

[[[ 2.1392     -0.16185573 -0.18517245 -0.36539674]
  [ 0.15324984  0.17320508  0.82520926  0.21734479]
  [ 0.17601383  0.24906069  0.15664667  0.12675671]]

 [[ 0.49689308  1.8231225   1.0023257   0.37604305]
  [ 1.2827866  -0.08726044  0.01333602  0.8518126 ]
  [ 0.20021693  0.31828243  1.0940336   0.00866747]]]


Apply additive zero-centered Gaussian noise.

This is useful to mitigate overfitting (you could see it as a form of random data augmentation).

Gaussian Noise is a natural choice as corruption process for real valued inputs.

As it is a regularization layer, it is only active at training time.


GaussianNoise(sigma, inputShape = null)


GaussianNoise(sigma, input_shape=None, name=None)


Scala example:

import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.keras.{Sequential, GaussianNoise}
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.Shape
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor

val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(GaussianNoise(0.6, inputShape = Shape(3, 4)))
val input = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4).randn()
val output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

input: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor[Float] =
(1,.,.) =
0.4226985   -0.010519333  -0.49748304   -0.3176052
0.52444375  0.31100306    1.0308859     2.0337727
0.21513703  -0.396619     -0.055275716  -0.40603992

(2,.,.) =
-1.2393064  -0.536477     -0.35633054   -0.09068655
-1.7297741  -0.5812992    -1.2833812    -0.7185058
0.13474904  0.06468039    -0.6630115    1.2471422

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Output is:

output: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity =
(1,.,.) =
-0.72299504   0.7733576    -0.13965577   0.72079915
0.20137814    0.6300731    2.5559645     2.3056328
-0.19732013   -0.482926    -0.22114205   -0.88772345

(2,.,.) =
-1.4293398    -1.0870209   -0.5509953    -0.31268832
-2.244024     -0.23773572  -3.022697     -0.65151817
-0.035656676  -0.7470889   -0.8566216    1.1347939

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Python example:

import numpy as np
from bigdl.nn.keras.topology import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.keras.layer import GaussianNoise

model = Sequential()
model.add(GaussianNoise(0.6, input_shape=(3, 4)))
input = np.random.random([2, 3, 4])
output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

[[[0.61699657 0.9759922  0.62898391 0.57265605]
  [0.88815108 0.9484446  0.0300381  0.54114527]
  [0.94046216 0.05998474 0.24860526 0.82020617]]

 [[0.87308242 0.24780141 0.73385444 0.40836049]
  [0.33166358 0.74540915 0.28333526 0.08263288]
  [0.17527315 0.79798327 0.49351559 0.13895365]]]

Output is

[[[ 1.5833025   1.1431103   0.14338043  1.634818  ]
  [ 0.01713479  1.1608562   0.222246    0.40559798]
  [ 0.9930201   0.1187391   -0.35643864 -0.7164774 ]]

 [[ 1.0105296   1.423961    0.90040827  1.3460591 ]
  [ 0.943779    -0.48430538 0.20670155  -0.50143087]
  [ -0.29849088 0.12774569  -0.16126743 -0.011041  ]]]


Spatial 1D version of Dropout.

This version performs the same function as Dropout, however it drops entire 1D feature maps instead of individual elements. If adjacent frames within feature maps are strongly correlated (as is normally the case in early convolution layers) then regular dropout will not regularize the activations and will otherwise just result in an effective learning rate decrease. In this case, SpatialDropout1D will help promote independence between feature maps and should be used instead.

The input of this layer should be 3D.


SpatialDropout1D(p = 0.5, inputShape = null)


SpatialDropout1D(p=0.5, input_shape=None, name=None)


Scala example:

import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.keras.{Sequential, SpatialDropout1D}
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.Shape
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor

val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(SpatialDropout1D(inputShape = Shape(3, 4)))
val input = Tensor[Float](2, 3, 4).randn()
val output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

input: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor[Float] =
(1,.,.) =
-0.41961443 -0.3900255  -0.11937201 1.2904007
-1.7623849  -1.6778483  -0.30053464 0.33295104
-0.29824665 -0.25474855 -2.1878588  1.2741995

(2,.,.) =
0.24517925  2.0451863   -0.4281332  -1.2022524
-0.7767442  0.24794191  -0.5614063  0.14720131
-1.4832486  0.59478635  -0.13351384 -0.8799204

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Output is:

output: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity =
(1,.,.) =
-0.41961443 -0.0   -0.11937201  1.2904007
-1.7623849  -0.0   -0.30053464  0.33295104
-0.29824665 -0.0   -2.1878588   1.2741995

(2,.,.) =
0.24517925  0.0    -0.4281332   -0.0
-0.7767442  0.0    -0.5614063   0.0
-1.4832486  0.0    -0.13351384  -0.0

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x3x4]

Python example:

import numpy as np
from bigdl.nn.keras.topology import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.keras.layer import SpatialDropout1D

model = Sequential()
model.add(SpatialDropout1D(input_shape=(3, 4)))
input = np.random.random([2, 3, 4])
output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

[[[0.67162434 0.91104925 0.66869854 0.17295748]
  [0.78326617 0.27447329 0.18051406 0.24230118]
  [0.7098933  0.32496974 0.00517668 0.21293476]]

 [[0.26932307 0.33496273 0.71258256 0.15464896]
  [0.75286915 0.210486   0.91826256 0.81379954]
  [0.11960744 0.37420041 0.03886506 0.22882457]]]

Output is

[[[0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       ]
  [0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       ]
  [0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       ]]

 [[0.0        0.33496273 0.0        0.15464896]
  [0.0        0.210486   0.0        0.81379956]
  [0.0        0.3742004  0.0        0.22882457]]]


Spatial 2D version of Dropout.

This version performs the same function as Dropout, however it drops entire 2D feature maps instead of individual elements. If adjacent pixels within feature maps are strongly correlated (as is normally the case in early convolution layers) then regular dropout will not regularize the activations and will otherwise just result in an effective learning rate decrease. In this case, SpatialDropout2D will help promote independence between feature maps and should be used instead.

The input of this layer should be 4D.


SpatialDropout2D(p = 0.5, dimOrdering = "th", inputShape = null)


SpatialDropout2D(p=0.5, dim_ordering="th", input_shape=None, name=None)


Scala example:

import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.keras.{Sequential, SpatialDropout2D}
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.Shape
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor

val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(SpatialDropout2D(inputShape = Shape(2, 3, 4)))
val input = Tensor[Float](2, 2, 3, 4).randn()
val output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

input: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor[Float] =
(1,1,.,.) =
1.1651757   1.0867785   -0.56122786 -0.542156
-0.79321486 0.64733976  -0.7040698  -0.8619171
-0.61122066 -1.9640825  -1.0078672  -0.12195914

(1,2,.,.) =
-0.24738677 -0.9351172  -0.11694977 0.8657273
-0.4773825  -1.6853696  -1.4906564  -0.06981948
-0.8184341  -1.3537912  1.2442955   -0.0071462104

(2,1,.,.) =
1.8801081   0.44946647  0.47776535  0.036228795
-1.2122079  0.41413695  -0.691067   2.6273472
1.4293005   -1.2627622  -1.8263477  0.015581204

(2,2,.,.) =
2.0050068   -0.32893315 0.19670151  0.8031714
0.16645809  -0.68172836 0.5169275   -0.83938134
0.1789333   2.1845143   1.3843338   -0.8283524

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x2x3x4]

Output is:

output: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity =
(1,1,.,.) =
0.0         0.0         -0.0        -0.0
-0.0        0.0         -0.0        -0.0
-0.0        -0.0        -0.0        -0.0

(1,2,.,.) =
-0.0        -0.0        -0.0        0.0
-0.0        -0.0        -0.0        -0.0
-0.0        -0.0        0.0         -0.0

(2,1,.,.) =
1.8801081   0.44946647  0.47776535  0.036228795
-1.2122079  0.41413695  -0.691067   2.6273472
1.4293005   -1.2627622  -1.8263477  0.015581204

(2,2,.,.) =
2.0050068   -0.32893315 0.19670151  0.8031714
0.16645809  -0.68172836 0.5169275   -0.83938134
0.1789333   2.1845143   1.3843338   -0.8283524

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x2x3x4]

Python example:

import numpy as np
from bigdl.nn.keras.topology import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.keras.layer import SpatialDropout2D

model = Sequential()
model.add(SpatialDropout2D(input_shape=(2, 3, 4)))
input = np.random.random([2, 2, 3, 4])
output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

[[[[0.21864846 0.43531162 0.23078088 0.81122115]
   [0.19442596 0.11110444 0.533805   0.68291312]
   [0.40738259 0.05448269 0.04647733 0.41683944]]
  [[0.23354645 0.46005503 0.87695602 0.13318982]
   [0.2596346  0.67654484 0.79389709 0.50408343]
   [0.50043622 0.28028835 0.81897585 0.01629935]]]

 [[[0.32173241 0.38367311 0.10315543 0.22691558]
   [0.41640003 0.45932496 0.70795718 0.67185326]
   [0.11911477 0.90231481 0.49881045 0.74297438]]
  [[0.48873758 0.53475116 0.06801025 0.50640297]
   [0.95740488 0.14928652 0.10466387 0.29040436]
   [0.44062539 0.36983024 0.35326756 0.60592402]]]]

Output is

[[[[0.21864846 0.43531162 0.23078088 0.8112211 ]
   [0.19442596 0.11110444 0.533805   0.6829131 ]
   [0.4073826  0.05448269 0.04647733 0.41683942]]
  [[0.23354645 0.46005502 0.87695605 0.13318983]
   [0.2596346  0.67654485 0.7938971  0.50408345]
   [0.50043625 0.28028834 0.81897587 0.01629935]]]

 [[[0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       ]
   [0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       ]
   [0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       ]]
  [[0.48873758 0.5347512  0.06801025 0.50640297]
   [0.95740485 0.14928652 0.10466387 0.29040435]
   [0.4406254  0.36983025 0.35326755 0.605924  ]]]]


Spatial 3D version of Dropout.

This version performs the same function as Dropout, however it drops entire 3D feature maps instead of individual elements. If adjacent voxels within feature maps are strongly correlated (as is normally the case in early convolution layers) then regular dropout will not regularize the activations and will otherwise just result in an effective learning rate decrease. In this case, SpatialDropout3D will help promote independence between feature maps and should be used instead.

The input of this layer should be 5D.


SpatialDropout3D(p = 0.5, dimOrdering = "th", inputShape = null)


SpatialDropout3D(p=0.5, dim_ordering="th", input_shape=None, name=None)


Scala example:

import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.keras.{Sequential, SpatialDropout3D}
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.utils.Shape
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor

val model = Sequential[Float]()
model.add(SpatialDropout3D(inputShape = Shape(2, 2, 2, 3)))
val input = Tensor[Float](2, 2, 2, 2, 3).randn()
val output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

input: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.Tensor[Float] =
(1,1,1,.,.) =
0.28834015    -0.74598366  0.16951436
0.17009573    0.3626017    -0.24652131

(1,1,2,.,.) =
1.3008109     0.37243804   0.073205866
1.0715603     0.02033514   -1.7862324

(1,2,1,.,.) =
-0.5285066    -1.3859391   -1.0543352
0.7904896     0.7473174    -0.5941196

(1,2,2,.,.) =
-0.060706574  -2.4405587    1.5963978
-0.33285397   -0.48576602   0.8121179

(2,1,1,.,.) =
-0.7060156    0.31667668    -0.28765643
-1.3115436    -1.7266335    1.0080509

(2,1,2,.,.) =
1.2365453     -0.13272893   -1.2130978
0.26921487    -0.66259027   0.5537464

(2,2,1,.,.) =
1.6578121     -0.09890133   0.4794677
1.5102282     0.067802615   0.76998603

(2,2,2,.,.) =
-0.47348467   0.19535838    0.62601316
-2.4771519    -0.40744382   0.04029308

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x2x2x2x3]

Output is:

output: com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity =
(1,1,1,.,.) =
0.0             -0.0        0.0
0.0             0.0         -0.0

(1,1,2,.,.) =
0.0             0.0         0.0
0.0             0.0         -0.0

(1,2,1,.,.) =
-0.5285066      -1.3859391  -1.0543352
0.7904896       0.7473174   -0.5941196

(1,2,2,.,.) =
-0.060706574    -2.4405587  1.5963978
-0.33285397     -0.48576602 0.8121179

(2,1,1,.,.) =
-0.0            0.0         -0.0
-0.0            -0.0        0.0

(2,1,2,.,.) =
0.0             -0.0        -0.0
0.0             -0.0        0.0

(2,2,1,.,.) =
0.0             -0.0        0.0
0.0             0.0         0.0

(2,2,2,.,.) =
-0.0            0.0         0.0
-0.0            -0.0        0.0

[com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.DenseTensor of size 2x2x2x2x3]

Python example:

import numpy as np
from bigdl.nn.keras.topology import Sequential
from bigdl.nn.keras.layer import SpatialDropout3D

model = Sequential()
model.add(SpatialDropout3D(input_shape=(2, 2, 2, 2)))
input = np.random.random([2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
output = model.forward(input)

Input is:

[[[[[0.68128454 0.57379206]
    [0.19533742 0.19906853]]
   [[0.21527836 0.79586573]
    [0.51065215 0.94422278]]]
  [[[0.95178211 0.50359204]
    [0.0306965  0.92563536]]
   [[0.33744311 0.58750719]
    [0.45437398 0.7081438 ]]]]

 [[[[0.00235233 0.8092749 ]
    [0.65525661 0.01079958]]
   [[0.29877429 0.42090468]
    [0.28265598 0.81520172]]]
  [[[0.91811333 0.3275563 ]
    [0.66125455 0.15555596]]
   [[0.53651033 0.66013486]
    [0.45874838 0.7613676 ]]]]]

Output is

[[[[[0.68128455 0.57379204]
    [0.19533743 0.19906853]]
   [[0.21527836 0.7958657 ]
    [0.5106521  0.94422275]]]
  [[[0.0        0.0       ]
    [0.0        0.0       ]]
   [[0.0        0.0       ]
    [0.0        0.0       ]]]]

 [[[[0.0        0.0       ]
    [0.0        0.0       ]]
   [[0.0        0.0       ]
    [0.0        0.0       ]]]
  [[[0.91811335 0.3275563 ]
    [0.6612545  0.15555596]]
   [[0.53651035 0.66013485]
    [0.45874837 0.7613676 ]]]]]