This section is a short introduction of some classic examples/tutorials. They can give you a clear idea of how to build simple deep learning programs using BigDL. Besides these examples, BigDL also provides plenty of models ready for re-use and examples in both Scala and Python - refer to Resources section for details.
Training LeNet on MNIST - The "hello world" for deep learning
This tutorial is an explanation of what is happening in the lenet example, which trains LeNet-5 on the MNIST data using BigDL.
A BigDL program starts with import com.intel.analytics.bigdl._
; it then creates the SparkContext
using the SparkConf
returned by the Engine
; after that, it initializes the Engine
val conf = Engine.createSparkConf()
.setAppName("Train Lenet on MNIST")
.set("spark.task.maxFailures", "1")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
will return a SparkConf
populated with some appropriate configuration. And Engine.init
will verify and read some environment information(e.g. executor numbers and executor cores) from the SparkContext
After the initialization, we need to:
1.Create the LeNet model by calling the LeNet5()
, which creates the LeNet-5 convolutional network model as follows:
val model = Sequential()
model.add(Reshape(Array(1, 28, 28)))
.add(SpatialConvolution(1, 6, 5, 5))
.add(SpatialMaxPooling(2, 2, 2, 2))
.add(SpatialConvolution(6, 12, 5, 5))
.add(SpatialMaxPooling(2, 2, 2, 2))
.add(Reshape(Array(12 * 4 * 4)))
.add(Linear(12 * 4 * 4, 100))
.add(Linear(100, classNum))
2.Load the data by creating the DataSet
(either a distributed or local one depending on whether it runs on Spark or not), and then applying a series of Transformer
(e.g., SampleToGreyImg
, GreyImgNormalizer
and GreyImgToBatch
val trainSet = (if (sc.isDefined) {
DataSet.array(load(trainData, trainLabel), sc.get, param.nodeNumber)
} else {
DataSet.array(load(trainData, trainLabel))
}) -> SampleToGreyImg(28, 28) -> GreyImgNormalizer(trainMean, trainStd) -> GreyImgToBatch(
After that, we create the Optimizer
(either a distributed or local one depending on whether it runs on Spark or not) by specifying the DataSet
, the model and the Criterion
(which, given input and target, computes gradient per given loss function):
val optimizer = Optimizer(
model = model,
dataset = trainSet,
criterion = ClassNLLCriterion[Float]())
Finally (after optionally specifying the validation data and methods for the Optimizer
), we train the model by calling Optimizer.optimize()
trigger = Trigger.everyEpoch,
dataset = validationSet,
vMethods = Array(new Top1Accuracy))
.setOptimMethod(new Adagrad(learningRate=0.01, learningRateDecay=0.0002))
Text Classification - Working with Spark RDD
This tutorial describes the text_classification example, which builds a text classifier using a simple convolutional neural network (CNN) model. (It was first described by this Keras tutorial).
After importing com.intel.analytics.bigdl._
and some initialization, the example broadcasts the pre-trained world embedding and loads the input data using RDD transformations:
// For large dataset, you might want to get such RDD[(String, Float)] from HDFS
val dataRdd = sc.parallelize(loadRawData(), param.partitionNum)
val (word2Meta, word2Vec) = analyzeTexts(dataRdd)
val word2MetaBC = sc.broadcast(word2Meta)
val word2VecBC = sc.broadcast(word2Vec)
val vectorizedRdd = dataRdd
.map {case (text, label) => (toTokens(text, word2MetaBC.value), label)}
.map {case (tokens, label) => (shaping(tokens, sequenceLen), label)}
.map {case (tokens, label) => (vectorization(
tokens, embeddingDim, word2VecBC.value), label)}
The example then converts the processed data (vectorizedRdd
) to an RDD of Sample, and randomly splits the sample RDD (sampleRDD
) into training data (trainingRDD
) and validation data (valRDD
val sampleRDD = vectorizedRdd.map {case (input: Array[Array[Float]], label: Float) =>
featureTensor = Tensor(input.flatten, Array(sequenceLen, embeddingDim))
.transpose(1, 2).contiguous(),
labelTensor = Tensor(Array(label), Array(1)))
val Array(trainingRDD, valRDD) = sampleRDD.randomSplit(
Array(trainingSplit, 1 - trainingSplit))
After that, the example builds the CNN model, creates the Optimizer
, pass the RDD of training data (trainingRDD
) to the Optimizer
(with specific batch size), and finally trains the model (using Adagrad
as the optimization method, and setting relevant hyper parameters in state
val optimizer = Optimizer(
model = buildModel(classNum),
sampleRDD = trainingRDD,
criterion = new ClassNLLCriterion[Float](),
batchSize = param.batchSize
.setOptimMethod(new Adagrad(learningRate=0.01, learningRateDecay=0.0002))
.setValidation(Trigger.everyEpoch, valRDD, Array(new Top1Accuracy[Float]), param.batchSize)
Image Classification - Working with Spark DataFrame and ML pipeline
This tutorial describes the image_classification example, which loads a BigDL (Inception) model or Torch (Resnet) model that is trained on ImageNet data, and then applies the loaded model to predict the contents of a set of images using BigDL and Spark ML pipeline.
After importing com.intel.analytics.bigdl._
and some initialization, the example first loads the specified model:
def loadModel[@specialized(Float, Double) T : ClassTag](param : PredictParams)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
val model = param.modelType match {
case TorchModel =>
case BigDlModel =>
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${param.modelType}")
It then creates DLClassifer
(a Spark ML pipelines Transformer) that predicts the input value based on the specified deep learning model:
val model = loadModel(param)
val valTrans = new DLClassifierModel(model, Array(3, imageSize, imageSize))
After that, the example loads the input images into a DataFrame, and then predicts the class of each each image using the DLClassifer
val valRDD = sc.parallelize(imageSet).repartition(partitionNum)
val transf = RowToByteRecords() ->
SampleToBGRImg() ->
BGRImgCropper(imageSize, imageSize) ->
BGRImgNormalizer(testMean, testStd) ->
val valDF = transformDF(sqlContext.createDataFrame(valRDD), transf)
valTrans.transform(valDF, paramsTrans)
.select("imageName", "predict")