Using Functional API

BigDL supports two different model definition styles: Sequential API and Functional API.

In Functional API, the model is described as a graph. It is more convenient than Sequential API when define some complex model.

Define a simple model

Suppose we want to define a model with three layers

Linear -> Sigmoid -> Softmax

You can write code like this



val linear = Linear(3, 5).inputs()
val sigmoid = Sigmoid().inputs(linear)
val softmax = SoftMax().inputs(sigmoid)
val model = Graph(Array(linear, sigmoid), Array(softmax))


linear = Linear(...)()
sigmoid = Sigmoid()(linear)
softmax = Softmax()(sigmoid)
model = Model([linear], [softmax])

An easy way to understand the Functional API is to think of each layer in the model as a directed edge connecting its input and output

In the above code, first we create an input node named as linear by using the Linear layer, then connect it to the sigmoid node with a Sigmoid layer, then connect the sigmoid node to the softmax node with a Softmax layer.

After defined the graph, we create the model by passing in the input nodes and output nodes.

Define a model with branches

Suppose we want to define a model like this

Linear -> ReLU --> Linear -> ReLU
               |-> Linear -> ReLU

The model has two outputs from two branches. The inputs of the branches are both the output from the first ReLU.

You can define the model like this


val linear1 = Linear(...).inputs()
val relu1 = ReLU().inputs(linear1)
val linear2 = Linear(...).inputs(relu1)
val relu2 = ReLU().inputs(linear2)
val linear3 = Linear(...).inputs(relu1)
val relu3 = ReLU().inputs(linear3)
val model = Graph(Seq[linear1], Seq[relu2, relu3])


linear1 = Linear(...)()
relu1 = ReLU()(linear1)
linear2 = Linear(...)(relu1)
relu2 = ReLU()(linear2)
linear3 = Linear(...)(relu1)
relu3 = ReLU()(linear3)
model = Model([linear1], [relu2, relu3])

In the above node, linear2 and linear3 are both from relu1 with separated Linear layers, which construct the branch structure. When we create the model, the outputs parameter contains relu2 and relu3 as the model has two outputs.

Define a model with merged branch

Suppose we want to define a model like this

Linear -> ReLU --> Linear -> ReLU ----> Add
               |-> Linear -> ReLU --|

In the model, the outputs of the two branches are merged by an add operation.

You can define the model like this


val linear1 = Linear(...).inputs()
val relu1 = ReLU().inputs(linear1)
val linear2 = Linear(...).inputs(relu1)
val relu2 = ReLU().inputs(linear2)
val linear3 = Linear(...).inputs(relu1)
val relu3 = ReLU().inputs(linear3)
val add = CAddTable().inputs(relu2, relu3)
val model = Graph(Seq[linear1], Seq[add])


linear1 = Linear(...)()
relu1 = ReLU()(linear1)
linear2 = Linear(...)(relu1)
relu2 = ReLU()(linear2)
linear3 = Linear(...)(relu1)
relu3 = ReLU()(linear3)
add = CAddTable()(relu2, relu3)
model = Model([linear1], [add])

In the above code, to merge the branch, we use the CAddTable, which takes two input nodes, to generate one output node.

BigDL provides many merge layers. Please check Merge layers document page. They all take a list of tensors as input and merge the tensors by some operation.

Define a model with multiple inputs

We have already seen how to define branches in model and how to merge branches. What if we have multiple input? Suppose we want to define a model like this

Linear -> ReLU ----> Add
Linear -> ReLU --|

You can define the model like this


val linear1 = Linear(...).inputs()
val relu1 = ReLU().inputs(linear1)
val linear2 = Linear(...).inputs()
val relu2 = ReLU().inputs(linear2)
val add = CAddTable().inputs(relu1, relu2)
val model = Graph(Seq[linear1, linear2], Seq[add])


linear1 = Linear(...)()
relu1 = ReLU()(linear1)
linear2 = Linear(...)()
relu2 = ReLU()(linear2)
add = CAddTable()(relu1, relu2)
model = Model([linear1, linear2], [add])

In the above code, we define two input nodes linear1 and linear2 and put them into the first parameter when create the graph model.

Define a model with data pre-processing

You can use a model as the data preprocessor for another model. In the training, the parameter of the preprocessor won't be updated. Here's how you can use it:


val preprocessor = Module.Load(...)
val trainable = Module.Load(...)
val model = Graph(preprocessor, trainable)


preprocessor = Model.loadModel(...)
trainable = Model.loadModel(...)
model = Model(preprocessor, trainable)