Resize the image, keep the aspect ratio.
adjust the image brightness
Crop a cropWidth
x cropHeight
patch from center of image.
Crop a cropWidth
x cropHeight
patch from center of image.
The patch size should be less than the image size.
image channel normalize
random change the channel of an image
Channel normalization with scale factor
Random adjust brightness, contrast, hue, saturation
Adjust the image contrast
Abstract crop transformer, other crop transformer need to override generateRoi
Crop from object detections, each image should has a tensor detection, which is stored in ImageFeature
expand image, fill the blank part with the meanR, meanG, meanB
Fill part of image with certain pixel value
expand image with given expandHeight and expandWidth, put the original image to the center of expanded image
Crop a fixed area of image
Flip the image horizontally
Adjust image hue
Pixel level normalizer, data(i) = data(i) - mean(i)
Apply random crop based on area ratio and resize to cropLenth size
resize the image by randomly choosing a scale
Random crop a cropWidth
x cropHeight
patch from an image.
Random crop a cropWidth
x cropHeight
patch from an image.
The patch size should be less than the image size.
Random cropper on uniform distribution with fixed height & width
Random resize between minSize and maxSize and scale height and width to each other
It is a wrapper for transformers to control the transform probability
Resize image
Adjust image saturation
Resize the image, keep the aspect ratio. scale according to the short edge