Transform byte array(original image file in byte) to OpenCVMat
A transformer chain two FeatureTransformer together.
A transformer pipeline wrapper to create labeled Minibatch in multiple threads for classification
Distributerd ImageFrame, it keeps an rdd of ImageFeature
FeatureTransformer is a transformer that transform ImageFeature
Each ImageFeature keeps information about single image, it can include various status of an image, e.g.
ImageFrame wraps a set of ImageFeature
Transforms tensors that map inputKeys and targetKeys to sample
Local ImageFrame, keeps an array of ImageFeature
An abstract class to convert ImageFeature iterator to MiniBatches.
An abstract class to convert ImageFeature iterator to MiniBatches. This transformer will be run on each image feature. "processImageFeature" will be called to buffer the image features. When there are enough buffered image features to form a batch, "createBatch" will be called. You should override processImageFeature to buffer each image feature, and createBatch to convert the buffered data into a mini-batch
Transform OpenCVMat to float array, note that in this transformer, the mat is released
transform opencv mat to tensor
Transform byte array(pixels in byte) to OpenCVMat
A transformer pipeline wrapper to create RoiMiniBatch in multiple threads The output "target" is a Table.
A transformer pipeline wrapper to create RoiMiniBatch in multiple threads The output "target" is a Table. The keys are from 1 to sizeof(batch). The values are the tables for each RoiLabel. Each Roi label table, contains fields of RoiLabel class. The sizes of the input images should be the same
A transformer pipeline wrapper to create RoiMiniBatch in multiple threads.
A transformer pipeline wrapper to create RoiMiniBatch in multiple threads. Image features may have different sizes, so firstly we need to calculate max size in one batch, then padding all features to one batch with max size.
A batch of images with flattened RoiLabels the getTarget() returns a Table with key from 1 to batchSize.
A batch of images with flattened RoiLabels the getTarget() returns a Table with key from 1 to batchSize. Each key in the table is mapped to a Table for the annotation of an image in the batch. The annotation table holds the annotation info for one image (assume the image has N detections). The annotation table has
Key Value RoiImageInfo.CLASSES the categories for each detections (see RoiLabel.clasees field) (1 x N), or (2 x N) Tensor[Float] RoiImageInfo.BBOXES the bboxes, (N x 4) Tensor[Float] RoiImageInfo.MASKS (Optional) the mask data, Array[Tensor[Float]\]. The outer array has N elements. The inner tensor holds the data for segmentation RoiImageInfo.ISCROWD Whether each detection is crowd. (1 x N) Tensor[Float]. -1: unknown, 0: not crowd, 1: is crowd RoiImageInfo.IMGINFO with shape (batchSize, 4), contains all images info (height, width, original height, original width)
Each ImageFeature keeps information about single image, it can include various status of an image, e.g. original bytes read from image file, an opencv mat, pixels in float array, image label, meta data and so on. it uses HashMap to store all these data, the key is string that identify the corresponding value