
package abstractnn

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractCriterion[A <: Activity, B <: Activity, T] extends Serializable

    AbstractCriterion is an abstract class the concrete criterion should extend.

  2. abstract class AbstractModule[A <: Activity, B <: Activity, T] extends Serializable

    Module is the basic component of a neural network.

  3. trait Activity extends AnyRef

    Activity is a trait which represents the concept of neural input within neural networks.

  4. sealed trait DataFormat extends AnyRef

    DataFormat are used to specify the data format of the input and output data when data is 2-D images.

  5. trait Initializable extends AnyRef

    The trait that contains setInitMethod

  6. abstract class TensorCriterion[T] extends AbstractCriterion[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T]

    TensorCriterion is an abstract sub-class of AbstractCriterion, whose input and output type both are Tensor.

  7. abstract class TensorModule[T] extends AbstractModule[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T]

    TensorModule is an abstract sub-class of AbstractModule, whose input and output type both are Tensor.

Value Members

  1. object Activity

  2. object DataFormat
